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Every 6 minutes a new case of theft is reported in Mexico

Latin America. The best seasons are about to begin, occasion for family reunions, lunches or dinners to celebrate another year, full of successes or not so many, weekend getaways to visit that magically embellished town to attract lovers of the "mexican curious", or why not, go on a trip a few days to that beach destination to resume the tan already lost long ago.  Undoubtedly, excellent season to find your house alone and devoid of any security.

Recently I heard a comment that at first seemed a bit sickly, more for what it represents than for the pragmatism of the idea, "think like a thief to avoid being victimized" said, at least that was the general idea, and observing the results that several national and international media have recently presented around security in Mexico, where they mainly throw 2 important data: The Mexican spent more on security, more than 700 million dollars against the same period last year and also effectively the Mexican does not report, according to data from INEGI, 94 out of every 100 crimes committed in the country never reach the hands of the authority.  We must be doing something very wrong and certainly that of thinking as a lover of others is not being given to us.

Insecurity as an engine of the Industry

The theft to home room is on the rise, according to information obtained by the National Citizen Observatory, last July a total of 6815  robberies to home room were registered, which represent two things: 2% more robberies than in the month of June and according to the information of the INEGI, it would be only 6% of the total robberies to home room in the territory, according to the above precedent.

- Publicidad -

220 robberies a day according to these figures, this scenario has brought as a result to the city geography authentic ghettos, private prisons where society self-secludes in the hope of doing its best to avoid being part of the statistics.  While it is complex to conceive the mentality of this type of people, we can use technology to anticipate, deter and block.

In the case of access control, technology has achieved a significant evolution for some time now, achieving in particular the correct distribution and understanding of information through the different interconnected systems.  Moving this information from the base and server software and getting it to the controller network is achieved thanks to TCP/IP technology.

These advances allow us to have a whole series of interconnected solutions in perfect synchrony, such as remote controls for the control of doors, bars or fences.  These accesses are activated when receiving the verification of the video surveillance systems integrated with facial recognition software and plate readers, additionally you can use simultaneously biometric readers and numerical boards.  The intelligent automation we are talking about offers us the perfect opportunity to avoid getting into the criminal mind and let technology do the dirty work that puts statistics at bay.

By Alejandro Loera, Business Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean of Keri Systems, contact him by phone +1(786) 331 8775

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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