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Four reasons to make automation a priority

Latin America. In today's competitive environments, the speed of information and the optimization of processes are crucial to achieving the objectives of growth and profitability. To achieve this, an adequate implementation of automation technologies undoubtedly facilitates the performance of the most operational and repetitive tasks so that leaders and the workforce can focus on more strategic actions and optimize, in this way, decision making.

According to a recent study by Ricoh, 93 percent of respondents say they face barriers that prevent them from reaching their full potential. Some companies prioritize speed and agility, and work hard to outperform their competitors. However, often an element of control is missing, leaving them off guard for future challenges. To do this, automation provides organizations with the ability to maintain control as they advance their goals, allowing them to prioritize innovation and outperform their competition.

Faced with this, Ricoh offers four reasons why all businesses should drive automation in their companies:

1. The ability to accelerate the speed with which deals are closed:
Financial services is an industry where the need for speed is clearly evident. Large banks and stock exchanges work tirelessly to offer services in an agile and fast way. Automation can reduce the time spent on tasks that took time to perform. This puts companies not only in a more agile position, but frees up one of their most important resources, the time of their employees, so that they can devote themselves to more critical activities within a business. In addition, employees can accelerate decision-making by facilitating the fast, accurate flow and exchange of information.

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2. Gain more control over billing and finances:
Within a company, it is vitally important that all internal and external processes to the finance department work as effectively as possible. By automating cash flow and replacing paper invoices with electronic invoicing, businesses will be able to almost immediately accelerate receipts and payments without incurring significant capital expenditures.

3. Reduce expenses by managing the entire document lifecycle:
Direct office tasks that started out like word processing, data processing, and email are now much more complicated. Advanced copying, scanning and printing processes that integrate systems, office processes and back office are increasingly fundamental for modern businesses. Automation not only simplifies these processes, but also has the added benefit of reducing paper waste.

4. Improve access to files:
Employees require immediate access to the right information at the right time. By automating scanning and archiving services, employees can access accurate information when they need it. This efficient system saves time and money. It also reduces the time spent building and maintaining business records. Archiving data electronically not only simplifies data search and extraction, but enables secure shredding and end-of-life management. Document flows can also be simplified to facilitate administration, for example, when a document needs to be signed to authorize the next stage of a process.

In the race to win, companies need to make decisions that help make their business more innovative, while at the same time helping them reduce costs and simplify daily tasks. Now is the time to redesign operations with a winning, streamlined mindset.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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