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3 lighting recommendations to prevent vandalism

Latin America. Vandalism in buildings and especially in business centers can cost institutions hundreds of thousands of dollars that could be better invested in improvement initiatives and beneficial programs.

One of the most contributing factors to activities such as vandalism and property destruction is not having adequate lighting. Fortunately, by following some simple lighting tips, business centers can reduce property damage and focus their time and money where these resources really should be.
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1. Remove the shelter of darkness

As common sense dictates, criminals prefer to have the cover of darkness when engaging in illegal activities. But what if you could eliminate that advantage by simply placing lights in strategic locations around your property? Fortunately, it's that simple when using a high-quality, independent light source. Increased lighting not only reduces the possibility of criminal activity occurring in a given area, it can also serve as a deterrent if automated motion sensors are also installed.

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2. Harness the power of LED lighting

LEDs are increasingly being used for those types of lighting where the energy savings that this type of technology allows are fully demonstrated. However, while its benefits in energy conservation are impressive, the incredible savings that come in application and maintenance costs are second to none. In fact, users can save up to $731 a year per illuminator by switching to LED bulbs. As for security, white light illuminators with LED technology provide white light perfect for color cameras. White led light simulates daylight, unlike more conventional incandescent sources, and illuminates images, making any chosen area sharper. This is an excellent option, whether you want to prevent potential inconvenience or offer a lighting support in dark areas.

3. Specify your light angle to match your camera's lens angle

In the same way that it is important to optimize many factors for the devices to perform better, it is crucial to make sure that their lighting angle matches the angles of the camera lens. If the angle is too tight, the camera will show bright spots in the center of the scene and generate excessive contrast between light and dark. A great way to get the most out of your standalone illuminators, when it comes to area coverage, is to use mounting brackets.

For example, a dual mounting bracket has the ability to provide adjustable illumination by doubling its lighting angle by up to 240 degrees or increasing the distance by up to 40%. This technology can be particularly valuable when used in lighting with dome PTZ cameras, since the lighting that is incorporated into the dome cannot be mounted in such a way that it moves in sync with the movements of the cameras.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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