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From abandonment to a modern building

International. Since 2014, Citrix headquarters has continued to be modernized. Currently, the multinational continues to invest and take advantage of this infrastructure to have an increasingly advanced technological headquarters. 


Have an entrance for the building that is aesthetic, efficient and with the latest technology, which also harmonizes with the philosophy of green construction with which it was conceived. 


- Publicidad -

Installation of a manual revolving door on the outside of the building with an assisted rotation function, driven by an energy-efficient motor and swinging optical turnstiles in the lobby for visitor management.


  • •Exclusion of currents and unwanted air infiltration.
  • •Large, comfortable compartments (revolving door) that require minimal effort to push the door wings.
  • •Intuitive lobby security to detect leakage from unauthorized users and manage visitors.
  • • Harmonizes with the aesthetics of the building.
  • One of the big trends in sustainability is the 3R formula: reuse, recycle and reduce, and it was precisely these basic principles of ecology that were the foundations for Citrix's new office headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The multinational transformed an abandoned warehouse into a modern work environment of 170,000 square feet, designed to foster creativity, collaborative work, productivity and employee engagement.

The sustainable design of the site, coupled with the company's technologies, gives people instant access to applications, desktops and data from any device; in this way it embodies a fundamental vision of the company: to provide its staff with all the resources to work better.

Two years after this project was launched, a new challenge arose: to have a main entrance that preserved the sustainable doctrine of the building, its aesthetics and at the same time contributed to the security and access control of visitors and employees. 

For this challenge, Citrix facility staff chose for the main entrance a spacious 8-foot-diameter BoonAssist TQ manual revolving door, with assisted rotation function, driven by a low-energy motor. The assisted door rotation function allows staff and visitors to enter the building with minimal effort.

Similarly, for access to the interior of the building, staff and visitors must present their credential at the Boon Edam Swinglane 900 optical turnstiles, which feature swinging glass doors. 

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Jenna Geigerman, senior manager of infrastructure and real estate, said: "One of the advantages we saw in the initial trial period is that the Swinglane, by closing quickly after a user enters, sends the message to the person coming behind that they must present their ID card separately, and that they cannot enter taking advantage of the authorization of the user in front of them. It didn't take long for employees to understand this message," Geigerman recalled.

Already inside, the building has a wide variety of informal and open meeting spaces, conference rooms built from storage containers, offices and call centers with vertical gardens made of stone and plants.

This innovative perspective is reflected in the revitalization of downtown Raleigh. The city center is becoming a modern urban location for tech companies, restaurants, and shops.

Citrix's new office building will be able to accommodate up to 900 employees and offers services designed to attract, motivate and retain high-performing workers. 

In addition, this adaptive reuse building is environmentally sustainable, has  a 55-foot-long wall of life covered in vegetation, a two-story roof with shades that conform to natural light, and numerous other features that support LEED Gold certification.

About Royal Boon Edam
With increasingly global and dynamic working environments, the entrance has become the focus of many buildings' activity. As the importance of entry as a point of concentrated mobility increases, the demands we face when it comes to managing the passage of people also increases. Royal Boon Edam is a leader in the global access solutions market. Based in the Netherlands and with more than 140 years of experience in quality engineering, we have acquired extensive technical knowledge on the management of the movement of people in office buildings, airports, health centres, hotels and many other types of buildings. We focus on offering optimal services for our clients and their clients. Working alongside you, our customer, we will help you determine the exact requirements for the concentrated mobility point in and around the building and develop a solution designed for you according to three key aspects: sustainability, safety and technical service. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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