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Access control solutions, a point of interest for the hospital sector

International. Tyco Integrated Fire & Security introduced its healthcare solutions to help address the operational, risk management, security and loss prevention challenges faced by healthcare facilities, nursing homes and hospitals on a daily basis. 

Thanks to the latest technology and years of experience in the sector, Tyco offers customized security and communication solutions for the healthcare sector, which save costs and reliably protect its patients, visitors, staff and property.

Tyco offers customized security and communication solutions for the healthcare industry that reliably protect your patients, visitors, staff and property.

These integrated solutions help improve the diverse care needs that patients demand. They offer users maximum flexibility and security by having the ability to easily identify and locate patients who roam, while optimizing workflow, minimizing risks and supporting staff. In short, they allow intelligent protection of all environments in the health sector.

- Publicidad -

The patient-nurse systems are a compact and IP-compatible management that allows the nurse to be called safely. In addition, through the connection of information retrieval terminals with nursing stations, it makes it easier for staff to devote more time to people, and residents to enjoy greater freedom of movement along with maximum security. Access controls are software that is established in security zones of the hospital or health center. It serves to identify employees, medical personnel, contractors and even suppliers. It ensures that sensitive areas such as pharmacies, archives, and/or research departments are only accessible to authorized personnel.

Alert monitoring offers video surveillance solutions that integrate seamlessly with the existing architecture, creating a safer working environment. Live view functionality enables proactive detection of residents that makes the job easier for caregivers. From the control center of the hospital located in the center itself or outsourcing in an approved company such as Tyco, intrusions, fire and floods are detected once all the systems are integrated. Thus obtaining a 360º protection of both staff and patients. Upon receiving the alarm signal, the professionals verify it and forward the information according to the established processes, notifying if necessary, the police.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems (active and passive) provide the customer with various forms of use according to their requirements. Thanks to their identification and tracking capacity, they allow the protection of the little ones through Baby tagging or the labeling, traceability and dispensing of medicines. It also offers staff protection through distress call systems, more effective communication of medical alarms or wireless temperature control.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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