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KNX Association gives a webinar on lighting control

International. KNX Association invites professionals to participate in a webinar on lighting. In this free webinar you will receive a general introduction from KNX experts in lighting control, as well as exclusive lighting solutions from KNX manufacturers. All in all, you'll be able to find all the answers to your questions, all in about an hour. Those interested in participating in this webinar should register as soon as possible, since places are limited.

In this free webinar you will receive a general introduction from KNX experts in lighting control, as well as exclusive lighting solutions from KNX manufacturers.

However, before you start surfing the Internet, studying books and trying to get advice, it's important to make it clear from the start what we want. The most important questions in this regard are:

  • What is my target group?
  • What are the needs of my target group?
  • What devices are needed to meet those needs?
  • Which companies offer these devices, or complete solutions?
  • Where can I get specific training?

Once each of these questions is clarified, the search can be narrowed down to concrete keywords, which will drastically simplify your search to the right answers. And once the first correct answers are received, the questions that arise later will also find an answer more easily. For example, if you are looking for training tailored to you, possibly the provider of the devices itself can offer it.

- Publicidad -

The importance of lighting
If we talk about homes, offices, restaurants, etc., one of the key criteria for the well-being of its occupants is the correct lighting. It is the lighting that imposes character on a building, be it natural or artificial light. That said, the most important thing is not only the geographical orientation of a building to make the most of sunlight, but also the integrated lighting, which directly affects the mood of the occupants and helps them enjoy their home or building as much as possible. Therefore, one of the priorities is a correct lighting design that meets the customer's demands, both functionally and aesthetically.

It is obvious that a correct lighting control is much more than simply installing a few switches and luminaires. Start with the most important step, the design, and go through the integration, the commissioning with its settings, and finish with proper maintenance of the installation. When designing a lighting control, system integrators must take into account that each user has different expectations regarding lighting and how to turn it on and/or regulate it.

Other aspects to consider are the devices to be used, since the choice of devices also influences the integration itself. For example, what levels of interaction are required and how can they be integrated in the most effective way? What tools and system should I choose?

Regarding maintenance, several issues must be taken into account, such as "what changes are foreseen in the short term, for example when the children leave the house and the room will have another use", or "this multipurpose office must be able to adapt easily to changes", etc. Depending on these future scenarios, it is necessary to define if maintenance is required at the time of the change, or if the possible adaptation is already foreseen from the beginning.

Obviously, it's never easy to make a seemingly complex system appear simple and intuitive, but that's the challenge system integrators face every day. Users consult the specialized system integrator, a very important task for all agents, since it is for example the ability of the industry to make complicated automation systems easy to use and are seen as "useful tools" for our beloved home.

More information and registration HERE

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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