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Adopt good energy saving practices

Latin America. Companies and industries are big consumers of energy. Of the electricity bill of a commercial premises, about 50% is allocated to lighting, compared to 2% for the cost of office equipment. In industry, however, spending on lighting is around 10%, while the rest of consumption is mainly spent on production.

For this reason, and although it is difficult to establish general rules for such different entities, the marketer Aldro Energía has collected "5 Essential measures that companies must implement to achieve energy savings". And these are the main tips:

Make the most of sunlight. In addition to being a much more natural and pleasant lighting, "We can save, on average, between 60 and 90 minutes a day of energy expenditure in this chapter alone," says José Gonzalez Payno, CEO of the company.

Review the contracted power: This concept involves the amount of kilowatts agreed with the distributor, and that become a fixed expense for the company -together with the rental of the meter, the maintenance service and taxes-, use them or not. "60% of companies could adjust this amount free of charge to their real needs", says Gonzalez Payno, hiring the kilowatts they actually consume, and achieving considerable savings. 

- Publicidad -

Use smart thermostats and systems to program heating and lights with your phone. In recent years there have been numerous -and very economical-, systems that help control the consumption of electricity remotely, from the mobile, and that can mean savings of up to 10% of the bill. 

Involve the company in the reduction of energy expenditure. In many cases, it is enough to encourage the team to turn off the lights when leaving a room that is empty, turn off the equipment when they will be unused for hours, do not open the windows when the air conditioning equipment is working, or make responsible use of the elevator, among others. In other cases, it is necessary to raise awareness about the need to implement habits in the company that help reduce energy expenditure and carbon footprint.

It only does not consume, that which is turned off. All those teams that are in Stand By (with the little red light on) spend, and a lot. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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