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New technologies and Training in TecnoEdificios & Seguridad 2017

Panama. With great success culminated the 8th. Edition of Tecnoedificios & Seguridad, more than 2,000 people gathered this year at the Atlapa Convention Center in Panama City, with around 20% of international visitors from countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica, the United States, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador and Venezuela. 

More than twenty experts were responsible for providing training to maintenance managers, facility managers, building managers, mechanical systems engineers, contractors, equipment manufacturers and distributors. A full agenda of topics such as green standards, sustainability, role in city infrastructure and trends in heating, cooling and ventilation focused on positive results for design, operation and energy efficiency. 

A commercial exhibition with more than 60 specialized companies from the continent, in 3,000 square meters of exhibition complemented this interesting academic offer. Among some of the topics highlighted on the agenda was the "Green Standards" by Juan Fernando Ochoa, manager of the company Environmental Outsourcing of Colombia. "These issues help to contribute a grain of sand to the whole issue of sustainable development and climate change. The companies that visit the fair, as well as those that participate in the academic agenda, allow us to generate links to be able to develop new strategies and aim at that north that we must implement the companies that are in this segment". 

This year, within the framework of Tecnoedificios, the work of the facility manager was highlighted for the first time, awarding this award (Facility Manager of the Year) to Lilyana Mejía Ospina, of the Bancolombia Group, highlighting the importance of this position within the administration of a building, which ensures optimal management of processes and costs. The Director of Real Estate Asset Management for the Bancolombia Group highlighted the importance of an event such as Tecnoedificios & Seguridad: "The biggest weakness we have is that we have not managed to make a good guild and we have not been able to share good practices. Events like this seem very valuable to me because they are opportunities to know about the other, to learn from the other and without selfishness to show what we do well. This is going to give us opportunity for improvement and development."

- Publicidad -

For its part, the UTP (Technological University of Panama), highlighted the importance of the link with the Refriaméricas congress. "The UTP being the leading University in this country in terms of science and technology is responsible for the professional training of this area of refrigeration and air conditioning and we are very proud to participate with the event, as this allows our graduates to remain in a process of continuous training, which is very necessary always because technology is dynamic and advances day after day", said Engineer Orlando Aguilar, Professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the UTP. 

The facilities offered by Panama in infrastructure, geographical position and wide air connectivity are factors that contribute to more people attending and participating in the next version of Refriaméricas y Tecnoedificios & Seguridad to be developed on June 14 and 15, 2018.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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