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ISS Facility Services buys local company Apunto in Chile

Chile. The Facility Services company ISS announced the acquisition of Apunto, a company founded in 1992 by Camilo Rufin, and the fifth largest provider of catering services in Chile, with sales of more than US $ 20 million (2015) and which has a portfolio of 180 customers to whom it delivers 7,200,000 food services annually.

"The acquisition of Apunto undoubtedly marks a milestone in our more than 12 years of presence in the country, as it allows us to consolidate our portfolio of solutions oriented to Facility Services, by adding institutional food to our offer. Through this business, we are committed to continue growing at double-digit annual rates, with an integrated proposal of services and positioning ourselves as one of the great players in the market," said Rodrigo González A., country manager of ISS Chile.

It should be noted that, with more than 14 thousand employees, ISS has been present in Chile since 2004, covering Arica to Punta Arenas, offering services in the areas of Cleaning, Security, Maintenance, Support and Facility Management. Now, its more than 200 clients will benefit from the acquisition of Apunto, a company that has 25 years of experience in the field of institutional food.

In this regard, Camilo Rufin Duval, general manager of Apunto, stressed that ?" punto is a consolidated company in the Chilean market, with an organic growth rate that exceeds 13% per year and with a wide range of services in the food area. The sale of our company is a clear example of the position we have in the market and I am confident that the synergies between both companies will allow ISS to continue to increase its client portfolio and gain position in the industry."

- Publicidad -

"Today we have a highly qualified professional team, to which will be added the more than 850 employees of Apunto, thus delivering to our potential and current clients a comprehensive offer of services of excellence, tailored to their needs and with a focus on operational efficiency, which will allow them to concentrate their efforts on the core of their own businesses", concluded Rodrigo González A., country manager of ISS Chile.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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