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There are already lights of the next generation of the BIM 360 platform

Latin America. In its 25th user keynote, Autodesk University of Autodesk, Inc., showcased a preview of the next generation of the BIM 360 Platform, a seamless cloud service that connects the entire lifecycle of a construction project. Autodesk also launched the "Connect and Construct Exchange," a new integration of the BIM 360 partner program, designed to add information and third-party software applications into the BIM 360 workflow. The Connect and Construct Exchange launched with more than 50 inaugural BIM 360 integrators.

The next generation of BIM 360, built on Autodesk's Forge platform, supports decision-making throughout the construction project lifecycle by centralizing all project information in one place. Autodesk Forge is a connected cloud platform that enables users and partners to create customized and scalable engineering solutions, as well as construction and manufacturing challenges. BIM 360 connects stakeholder projects and workflows in the life stages of the building – from construction design to operation, from site to office and back. BIM 360 eliminates the uncertainty that affects construction projects of all sizes, pairing the management of project tools with the database with mechanical analysis. As a result, it shows a closer collaboration between the projects of the teams, with more transparency in the changes and an improvement in the continuity of the information that translates into greater profitability.

Developed with Autodesk Construction Industry Users
The new BIM 360 platform is the result of a collaboration between Autodesk and 500 construction professionals from 100 organizations, who informed the company about the software development process. Autodesk BIM 360 solutions currently house nearly four million models and BIM 360 users have entered nearly 200 million field observations.

"Autodesk prioritized working closely with construction professionals to build the BIM 360 platform, which resulted in an innovative project management service," said Andy Leek, director of construction and virtual design at PARIC, a construction firm based in St. Louis, Missouri. "Construction software is so fragmented with thousands of vendors claiming they offer the option for each particular process. PARIC is trying to solve all our problems in the best possible way and Autodesk BIM 360 is our backbone as it connects us all, from design to property in one place."

- Publicidad -

Connect and Construct Exchange
BIM 360 connects fragmented workflows through pre-construction, execution, manufacturing, installation and facility management. The new Autodesk Connect and Construct Exchange, launched today, adds value for each of these construction phases with an inaugural group of more than 50 BIM 360 integration partners, of which more than 40 are now available in the program. The goal of the program is to showcase, catalog and raise awareness of all applications and integrations in the next generation of the BIM 360 platform so that users and partners have a wide variety of solutions to improve and expand their workflow to better meet their unique construction needs.

"Rhumbix allows construction teams to manage time savings, track quantities (materials) and other critical tasks from the palm of their hand with just two taps on a mobile device," said Zach Scheel, CEO of Rhumbix. "Our continued integration with BIM 360 ensures that every on-site job is tracked and reported to head office and field operations."

Rhumbix modernizes Field Operation, helping builders work paperless, improving the way they measure and manage labor productivity to be more profitable.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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