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Facility management in the office market

International. The What Workers Want Report, prepared by the AEO and Savills, shows the preferences of three-generation users in the main office markets. 

69% of workers surveyed by the Spanish Association of Offices (AEO) and Savills, as stated in the What Workers Want Report, would like to work in a modern space, although there are differences between generations: if for 72% of millennials, a modern design is ideal, for baby boomers it is less important (57%). 67.5% of the total consider that the design of the workspace increases their productivity. The study, whose fieldwork has been carried out by Experis, underlines that the 'google' effect must be taken into account in the conception of modern space among the youngest, in whose imaginary offices with leisure rooms, table football, hanging chairs, etc., constitute the new paradigm of modernity.

Likewise, more than 61% of the workers surveyed confirm that the type of building in which they work impacts their work performance. The newly built building and the renovated or rehabilitated classic/historic building are valued more, but the majority of respondents work in a non-new building, more than 10 years old. In contrast, and for reference, only 15% of Madrid's office park is new or has been rehabilitated since 2010, according to Savills. Even so, the study points out that 19% of respondents do not have idealized the building in which they would like to work.

Typology of Spaces
The report prepared by the AEO and Savills analyzes what the current workplace looks like and what it would be ideal like.

- Publicidad -

Almost half (48.6%) of workers choose their current physical position as the ideal place to develop their work and only 21% would prefer to do it from home, a value lower than expected. The reason: we like to interact with peers, although there are notable differences between generations.

As for the type of spaces in the workplace, the three most appreciated types are the positions assigned to each worker (84%), spaces for teamwork (almost 69%) and common spaces (68%) – cafeteria, rest rooms ...-. As for hot desks, or shared or unassigned positions, they still do not have a large presence in the workplace and only 20% of respondents have acknowledged having this type of space in their office, although they have been used at some point by 36% of them.

Although the Spanish worker prefers to have an assigned position, he does not mind not having an office. 83% of respondents do not have an office and of them, 73% say that having it would not make them more productive. Of the 17% it does have, more than 58% would be willing to do without it.

Ideal space factors
The What Workers Want report analyzes the opinion of workers of three generations about their position in their workplace, but also the ideal space. What the respondents value most and would be changed the least, are the colleagues. It is followed by the location (central and accessible) and importance is given to comfort at work, considering that elements of the office related to the workspace and design, are susceptible to improvement.

The top factors of the ideal workspace, in order of importance, are for the respondents the accessibility in public transport, the travel time and a component of connection and technology, the quality of the Wi-Fi network. Cleanliness and comfort are also key factors to consider when selecting a job.

By categories, the location highlights factors such as accessibility by public transport, travel time from residence to work, proximity to leisure and restaurant spaces and proximity to shops. Among the environmental factors, cleanliness, lighting, the right temperature, noise level and natural light are emphasized.

When applying for a job, the candidate values first the travel time (49%), followed by facilities and services (17.5%) and the environment (access to restaurants, shops), with 17%. Of the workplace, comfort, the quality of the Wi-Fi network, the amplitude of the space and security are valued as ideal factors. Facilities with kitchen, car parking, cafeteria, nursery, bicycle parking, gym, lactation room, showers/changing room, games room and prayer space are also considered.

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Another area analyzed by the survey is the level of employee pride in their workspace according to generations: about 70% are proud of their workspace, although millennials feel much more than baby boomers, the latter more demanding when it comes to valuing environments. The less proud, demand mainly changes in the workspace, in the design and organization of furniture and a more accessible and central location. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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