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Construbim: One of the pioneers of BIM in Mexico

Mexico. For architect Eddy Slim, the implementation and knowledge of Building Information Modeling (modeling with information for construction) or BIM is nothing new, because he has a long and extensive history in this innovation focused on the Construction, Engineering and Architecture industries. 

Since his beginnings, as a university student he was extremely interested in 3D models and 3D coordination, when the term BIM did not yet exist. He even saw many advantages of 3D modeling back then, because while it took him a couple of hours to realize his projects, his colleagues took weeks doing 2D work. That's how he discovered some of the wonders of BIM, which prompted him to continue learning more about this methodology.

According to the architect, BIM is not the future of construction, BIM is already the present. It's the way to build; if companies do not have a BIM management, they will become obsolete. At present, it is fundamental and there is a need for a BIM project management so that it can coordinate the standards and check that all parties are doing their job well.

The BIM model can benefit, it can also fail, if you have a model that is not understood or is not well controlled, and that can become an erroneous model, so it is recommended that in any project there is a BIM administrator. It is important that companies specialized in this management have an important history to cover these needs, and thus can guarantee the success of any project.

- Publicidad -

ConstruBIM is a company dedicated to the implementation of BIM processes in construction and the development of projects and execution of works with high quality principles with good quality, cost and time ratio, who adapt the technical specifications and plans to the various requirements of its customers. Specialized in the execution of unique projects and complex structures, where it is essential to have extensive experience and deep technical knowledge, it promises any work team to have the best tools, with the aim of ending manual work, errors and inconsistencies.

Without BIM companies lose money, do not make their processes efficient and are out of competition. BIM can be implemented from any stage, however, the ideal is to start implementing it from the beginning of the project to make it more efficient.

From the expert's point of view, the BIM industry in Mexico today is already a proven and approved methodology by construction companies because these companies know why they need it, what they need it for and what its advantages are. "Mexico grew rapidly in the implementation of the BIM process and the next step is the standardization of it at the national level. One of the disadvantages of BIM locally, is that there are many companies in the market that do not have the complete knowledge of how to implement BIM. There are few companies like ConstruBIM that have the capacity, workforce and experience to train and carry out high-quality projects," says the manager.

Talent training is also a fundamental part for organizations like ConstruBIM. An example is that they have four teachers who are dedicated to teaching each executive, depending on the level, specialization and responsibilities, aiming to have highly trained staff to develop and conclude any requested project. "70% of our team are experts with good backgrounds in BIM management. At least they have on average 10 experts in facilities, structure and architecture, in addition to a team of 8 programmers dedicated to making the plug-in, automation monitoring, as well as a group of architects who are dedicated to modeling, "said the architect. With this, they have a highly trained and expert team for any project that comes their way.

After seeing the potential and demand of BIM for the industry, Eddy decided to create one of the first and few companies focused 100% on BIM in Mexico: ConstruBIM. The company has brought many benefits to several construction companies that perform their processes in the traditional way. The implementation of BIM has helped them to stand out and thanks to this, costs and delivery times can be saved considerably. Some estimates of savings have been quantified in up to 20% in materials using tools such as Revit, Autodesk software to apply the BIM methodology

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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