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Do you know how to safely protect your assets?

Colombia.  In homes and workplaces it is increasingly important that their owners take safety measures to keep them protected and permanently monitored.

Technology takes on vital importance when leaving the property alone, since it allows to carry out various tasks such as access control, the identification of suspects in perimeter areas and even carry out preventive monitoring in real time regardless of whether the owner is a few streets or hundreds of kilometers away.

Jimena Genetti, Solutions Manager of Axis Communications, creator of the IP camera and one of the main standard-bearers in providing safe environments both residentially and industrially, presents some recommendations focused on technology, to take into account this holiday and choose the security solution that allows you to leave behind the ghost of vandalism:

Not every camera means security. On the subject of video surveillance, quality is indispensable; Although it is common for buildings and companies to have video cameras, many do not provide high-resolution images that can be used to identify details or faces at the time of the occurrence of a criminal act, mainly in areas of low lighting or adverse weather conditions. Therefore, acquiring a quality solution is to ensure that the investment fulfills its true purpose. 

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Software, a very important factor. Having the possibility of monitoring in real time and through mobile devices is one of the reasons to access a video surveillance system during this season. Some manufacturers offer free versions designed for small businesses and homes, where users can easily access live or recorded video, even from a remote location, directly from a mobile device or PC, without the need for a network or router configuration.

More cameras doesn't mean better monitoring. If you plan to install a video security system by the end of the year, it is advisable to do a previous study of the facilities by a professional in the area, to analyze the particularities of each space, allowing you to contemplate possible blind spots, potentially dangerous areas and places where the cameras can be manipulated or attacked. Due to this analysis, the ideal camera will be implemented for each space; thus allowing to have a real coverage and an effective monitoring of all the areas.

Analytics for the home. Nowadays cameras offer more than video. Some models detect for example if there is movement within the home, giving immediate notice to the homeowner; others can generate alarms before the attempted manipulation or when they obstruct their visibility, all this in an autonomous and programmed way. There are even models such as AXIS M20, which can draw virtual lines to control staff access to restricted areas.

Prevention is the best defense. For those who live in remote areas, it is very convenient to install an invisible perimeter, from which automatic audible alerts are issued to deter intruders by generating a warning message, while simultaneously informing security personnel or the police quadrant. 

If there is no doorman, turn to the video intercom. Installing at the entrance of your residence or building an IP video intercom, resistant to acts of vandalism and hacker attacks, allows you to have an image of the visitor, captured by an HDTV camera, which will be displayed on a touch panel so that the entrance through the door is authorized or not.

If technology is not your thing, but you want to acquire a complete security solution, there are packages that come with all the hardware equipment you may require to meet this need, integrating from cameras to video storage and management, which guarantees optimal installation and operation.

Residential and corporate security should not be taken lightly;  at the end of the day, in these places are their most precious assets and it is important to protect them by taking advantage of the advances that are available today. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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