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Delta Dore Introduces Wireless Solutions

International. The ideal of comfort in the home is something very subjective and personal, although the general concept of comfort implies having to try less to achieve something desired, whether it is turning off a lamp to turn on a dimmer one, modifying the degrees of heating or raising the blind from the bed to see the first rays of daylight. Delta Dore products contribute to increasing the quality of life and make housing more functional and humane.

Delta Dore, through its free App and its offer of customizable products, presents wireless and easy-to-install solutions to turn any home into a connected home, which means an energy saving of between 25% and 30%. The degree of technology and connectivity of the house adapts to the needs and budget of each person and systems can be introduced little by little without the need for works.

Tydom 1.0 is a wireless device that easily connects to the home Wi-Fi network to access the control of lighting, heating and all the systems you want to control. The Tydom App is customized with the photos of the home and in it you can see each movement, such as how a lamp is turned off and on when the order is given.

It is a very intuitive tool with which you can also program the house when you are outside so that it seems that there is someone or make the blind rise at a certain time to do the functions of alarm clock. Free and without subscription, it works both inside and outside the home from your smartphone or tablet.

- Publicidad -

The LifeDomus, on the other hand, is a more advanced version of home automation offer. It is a unique system available in 12 different languages that controls all the electronic equipment integrated in a home: audio, video, heating, alarm, etc. whether from Delta Dore or another brand on the market. In addition, this device uses state-of-the-art monitoring based on video and photo realism, that is, the images of the whole house that we see in the application are taken in real time.

The price varies depending on the magnitude of the project. A basic residential installation of a house with four motorized blinds, five lighting circuits and a thermostat managed by the application can have a cost of approximately 1500 euros.

The French group has chosen Barcelona to implement its first Concept Home in Spain. The new exhibition space, located on Avenida Diagonal in Barcelona, allows you to discover the operation and virtues of a connected house and is the fourth opening on a European scale since 2014.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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