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Eight sustainability trends that will define 2018 according to Cambridge

International. The University of Cambridge Leadership Network (CISL) has identified eight sustainability trends that will define 2018. According to the Sustainability Trends report, changes such as increased volatility, unprecedented weather events, increasing levels of automation, and public pressure for transparency are paving the way for companies to take on the challenge of sustainability leadership.

Lindsay Hooper, Chief Education Officer, CISL said: "These trends demonstrate the broad risks and opportunities facing businesses today. For companies that want to thrive in this rapidly changing context, there is a growing consensus that business as usual is no longer enough. To be successful, companies need more than adapting to their changing context. They must shape and lead the shift towards a sustainable economy."

The following trends were identified by 40 CISL Directors, Senior Associates and representatives, supported by a survey of the broader CISL Network, a global network of 8,000 leading professionals representing all industries on all continents.

Volatility is the new norm: from disruptive technologies to political uncertainty, the future is chaotic and here to stay.

- Publicidad -

Sustainability to shape the company: Growing public awareness of sustainability issues and political leadership gaps will increasingly open the way for companies to take on the challenge of sustainable leadership and lead, adapt or fail.

Permanent losses and damage from extreme weather conditions: After the unprecedented weather events of 2017, vulnerable cities, countries and towns will face more extreme and disruptive weather events, with the potential to affect businesses across the value chain and stranded assets, and contribute to unrest.

Human versus machine: Increasing levels of automation will not only begin to transform the future of business but also the future of work.

China and global change to the east: President Xi Jinping's re-election has given China stability in a turbulent world and bolstered the state's mandate to tackle climate change at a time when other world leaders have wavered on sustainability.

The end of an era for plastics: Packaging will become a key battleground for addressing companies' environmental impacts on the oceans, land and air.

A decisive year for transparency: In anticipation of recommendations to report climate-related financial risks from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), companies like ExxonMobil have faced pressure from investors and the public to voluntarily improve risk disclosure. This could fire the gun for greater transparency in other parts of business, such as executive pay, gender equality and tax deals.

Life after coal: The energy revolution is reaching its climax as the shift to renewable sources and electricity is unstoppable.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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