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Connected hospitality, key to a luxury stay

Latin America. Remember that one of the objectives when vacationing is to forget about problems and responsibilities. The choice of accommodation and tourist venues is determined by the different needs of visitors, however the decision is based on a common denominator: the quality of the service.

According to the World Tourism Ranking carried out by the SIIMT, of 195 countries in the world (2016), Mexico is # 9 of the most visited and the only one in Latin America, this makes it imperative for the country and especially for local hotel businesses, to be part of the Digital Transformation to be able to offer an optimal and quality service to all tourists.

Mexico is successful in terms of tourism, due to the hospitality of its inhabitants and the investment of entrepreneurs in infrastructure of the main destinations that have made them an attraction for national and international tourists. There are several factors that influence this to be achieved, one of the main ones being effective communication between employees and security services.

For good communication to be achieved, it is crucial to have the right tools that allow a secure exchange of information in real time. The use of bidirectional digital radios, instead of cell phones, could serve as a clear example since the activity and working conditions represented by tourism businesses require specialized tools with characteristics that allow a correct exchange of messages without depending on a signal or battery such as that used by devices such as smartphones.

- Publicidad -

It is also important, as a complement, to make use of specialized solutions and applications for mobile devices, which allow service personnel to be connected at all times and attentive to the requirements of visitors and / or guests, thus offering a more personalized and satisfactory service.

Motorola Solutions' MOTOTRBO family radios, for example, are two-way devices commonly used in hotels, airports and resorts, keeping staff connected, from front desk and concierge, to event planners and maintenance staff. This means a more productive staff and a quick response to day-to-day needs, at special events, and most importantly, in cases of emergency.

It is necessary that the message is clear regardless of the environment where the activities are carried out, for this reason it is essential to have specialized devices for communication, which have intelligent audio options and that adjust the volume to the necessary level, minimizing distortion when using high volumes, suppressing ambient noise and improving voice quality.

In addition, thanks to features such as built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, which saves hundreds of hours of downtime at work; battery durability in the field, which allows working without fear of being incommunicado; bluetooth, which allows data to be sent to and from mobile work equipment without risk of information loss; as well as geolocation applications that help the strategic location of resources, it is possible to empower employees with highly secure and reliable communications.

Another factor to always consider for the tourist is safety. A reliable facility environment for adults and children is something to pay attention to. Today there are different solutions that work together with specialized applications and devices, and that allow security managers to protect the comfort and tranquility of the client.

Currently there are teams that have special alerts such as "fallen man", along with the application "worker alone", features that allow you to request help automatically when the worker can not do it, or in any case when the support of more employees is required. This can be combined with a new track and trace feature that helps direct a rapid emergency response team to the scene of the incident.

The implementation of digital technologies based on instant communication is an action increasingly carried out by hotels and resorts. That is why it is key for the hospitality industry to migrate to digital and equip its staff with better technological tools that allow not only better internal communication between workers, but also be prepared for the specific requests of guests.

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It is a fact that digital disruption is affecting different industries, including hospitality. Today technology is an element that is drastically changing the guest experience, as well as the service of tourism businesses around the world. Being Mexico an important tourist destination, it should not be left behind and must make innovation and technology its main allies to complement and enhance, the attention given and finally achieve a luxury stay.

*Rafael Fernández Feo, Director of Communication Solutions for Commercial Markets

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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