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Wireless Network Trends Drive Changes in Fixed Networks

Latin America. The trend towards 5G and the densification of wireless networks drive the deployment of fiber optics within fixed networks.

The amount of online content is growing day by day, causing a considerable increase in the data that circulates through networks around the world. According to Cisco projections, global IP (Internet Protocol) data traffic will grow by 24% annually by 2021, by then, video data on the internet will account for 82% of all IP traffic. Things like the creation of higher quality, resolution and size content within popular video platforms such as Netflix and Youtube, and the imminent arrival of 5G have forced service operators to reconsider the way they deploy their networks.

"Some of the most important wired trends come from the wireless industry," said Erik Gronvall, VP Service Provider Strategy at CommScope. "Fixed network operators now need to take into account factors other than what they had to consider before. For example, the number of wireless devices and IoT (Internet of Things) devices at the edge of the grid that require power, as well as the different types of site acquisition. These trends drive operators to think about their networks in a more holistic and converged way."

Even though, over the next ten years, 4G/LTE is still expected to dominate in the fastest-growing markets, innovations that will bring with them trends like 5G will redefine network architectures as we know them. Several of the most striking aspects of this trend, such as enhanced broadband, connected vehicles, and industrial-level IoT, will only reach their full potential if operators converge their wired and wireless networks to maximize network capacity and share resources.

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"The already blurred lines between fixed and wireless networks are disappearing," added Erik Gronvall. "An important factor behind this convergence is economic efficiency. For example, wireless operators typically have to lease dark fiber and circuits to connect cell sites to Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs), a significant expense that can now be handled internally through a fixed/wireless network operator."

The current generation of technology consumers is shaping up to redefine the priorities of network administrators. Considering that 96% of "Generation Z" own a smart phone, and spend 74% of their time online(1), meeting the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth and connectivity is among the top challenges to overcome.

"5G hopes to create the 'network of networks', which will mean higher bandwidth and lower latency than ever before. Network operators need to modernize and prepare if they want to get the most out of these trends. Acquiring a vision focused on the future is a prerequisite to be able to contribute to the growth and success of these technologies, as well as the development of both wireless and wired networks," concluded Erik Gronvall, VP Service Provider Strategy at CommScope.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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