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Solar Energy for Colombia through Homaya

Colombia. The demand for energy worldwide will continue to increase and the main challenge will be to ensure coverage in places that due to their geographical location or other characteristic make carrying the supply quite complex or almost impossible. 

Schneider Electric, a leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has developed different solutions that seek to fulfill this complex task, as is the case of the Homaya Solar System.

This is a solar power system composed essentially of a portable lamp and battery powered entirely by an included 6 Wp and 12 V solar panel, which has the ability to provide power for up to four luminaires and three USB ports designed to charge mobile devices.

"Homaya allows people to have access to a reliable and safe power supply and lighting, whenever desired. In addition, no less important, it is done through a renewable source such as solar energy. This is aligned with all the work that the company does in terms of the sustainability pillar," explained Francisco Hurtado, head of loyalty at Schneider Electric.

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The solution features a battery created from clean, green lithium-ferrophosphate technologies, increasing its safety features and life cycle compared to conventional batteries. It is also a globally certified solution, it has the possibility of installing an additional solar panel to perform a fast charge on cloudy days, which makes it perfect for any type of outdoor situation.

"Among others, the product is perfect for lovers of outdoor activities such as camps, walks and walks, however, having a portable lamp its applications are not limited, since it can be used in any situation, such as power outages or as a substitute for your lamp powered by disposable batteries. It is ideal for farms and farms -where within them- there are sites that do not have energy and the realization of the different tasks is complicated, "added Hurtado.

The installation process is simple, you simply have to connect the panel to the section and make an initial charge by placing the panel where direct sunlight hits, for at least six hours or as recommended by the manual. After that it can be used.  That is, homes can count on a solution that includes solar panels, several lamps and even a charging center to directly connect small appliances, fully covering the basic energy needs of a family of six or seven people.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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