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Automatic sprinklers, efficient fire solution

Colombia. After the International Safety Fair of Colombia in Corferías, the fire prevention show was a success by surprising with innovative solutions in efficiency, safety and protection. 

One of the greatest exponents in this topic was Victaulic, a company that provides slotted mechanical joining of pipes, which has products used by the most demanding markets and its innovative technologies and services allow faster and above all safer work for its customers, which guarantees the reliability of the results and maximum efficiency. In addition to being one of the brands with the highest representation among the stands of distributors and integrators in the fire protection pavilion, together with the National Association of Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems (ANRACI) demonstrated why automatic sprinklers are one of the safest, most reliable and efficient decisions to protect against a fire. 

The ANRACI together with the fire department of the city of Bogotá made a comparative controlled demonstration between two equal rooms but one protected by automatic sprinklers and another that was not protected, the room without protection reached 300 degrees Celsius and damaged most of the objects of the place, to the point that the fire department had to intercede, while the room  protected by automatic sprinklers, in less than a minute had completely turned off and controlled the fire. 

This was thanks to Victaulic FireLock™ V27 sprinklers that are part of Victaulic's FireLock automatic sprinklers. In addition Victaulic was showing the latest advance in sprinklers that have  ranudor ends and the coupling for installation of these FireLockIGS™V9 style sprinklers. The FireLock IGS product family offers solutions to simplify sprinkler lowering installations and replace threaded connections and joints in both sprinklers and pipes for sprinkler drops, as this new mechanical bonding method redefines the design and installation of sprinkler systems for exposed applications. 

- Publicidad -

This innovative coupling has only one bolt and a nut, and is delivered together with a pre-assembled sprinkler. This solution to fires is offered in different sizes of couplings to allow connection between sprinklers of diameters of 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch or 1 inch; with 1-inch slotted tubes, allowing the standardization of 1-inch IGS connections in fire nets, eliminating the use of threaded tubes in the project. Which makes it that in addition to being an extremely effective automated sprinkler, it is also easy to use for the person who installs it, saving time, increasing confidence, and having higher efficiency standards because it suppresses the screwing system. 

The coupling and sprinkler are delivered to the site pre-assembled and ready to install, without loose parts and without requiring any prior preparation, hence the solution is known as Installation-Ready™, a technology that Victaulic® first introduced in 2005. The time savings and better labor management that are generated, thanks to the introduction of Installation-Ready™ technology in the installation of sprinklers, are due to the elimination of sprinkler preparation work and associated consumables (tapes and varnish), which guarantees an improvement in productivity. By eliminating the use of tapes and varnish for threaded tubes from the process, all installers can use the materials more efficiently for system installation. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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