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Trina Solar confirms its commitment to the Mexican market

Mexico. Trina Solar confirms its commitment to Mexico by visiting Ying Rongfang, Executive VP of Trina Solar. This visit represents the first to Latin America and the first stop of a tour in the region. The Chinese company predicts that Mexico will be the main photovoltaic market in Latin America for the next 5 years.

Consequently, Trina Solar already has a local team in Mexico and Latin America that has been increasing in recent months, through which it is to serve both the business of marketing products and services and direct support to strategic partners in photovoltaic projects. Two years ago, the company expanded to the Latin American region, where it currently has offices in Mexico, Chile and Brazil, with the eve of expansion to other countries.

"Our intention is to actively collaborate in the development of the photovoltaic market worldwide, and we do it with local staff from each country. Mexico is no exception, we have been considering Mexican people for the development of our business units established in this country. Technology and the sector are evolving," said Yin Rongfang.

The executive stated that the projection of Trina Solar in Latin America in the coming years, foresees the complete introduction of the entire portfolio of solutions that are currently already marketed, in Europe and Asia, thus reaching the domestic,  commercial, industrial and large-scale sectors, and Mexico, is one of its main growth markets.

- Publicidad -

"Trina Solar continues to show its leadership in the integration of Information Technology and the use of energy system, the Internet of Things, is able to establish  an intelligent energy supply through a cloud platform. Trina Solar is betting that the IoT will have an impact on the energy industry over the next two decades and on the way we understand energy supply," said Yin Rongfang.

With the Internet of Things, Trina Solar has achieved, not only a healthy, constant and sustainable development; but he also advanced towards Trina Era 3.2. Since the foundation of Trina Solar, it has been characterized by marking icons throughout its evolution, hence in 1997 and until 2006, it has been defined as Trina Era 1.0, where it laid the foundations for the manufacture of photovoltaic modules and achieved the globalization of market, capital and talent. With the Trina 2.0 era (from 2007 to 2016), it positioned itself in the world as the leading supplier of photovoltaic modules and leader of global solar energy solutions. In 2017, the Chinese company successfully started Trina Era 3.0, as a world leader in the Energy Internet of Things.

The Executive Vice President added: "Mexico with its exceptional climate is geographically located between 14° and 33° north latitude, a situation that is ideal for the use of solar energy, since the average daily global irradiation in the national territory is around 5.5 kWh / m2, placing the country within the first places in the world. The states of Durango, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Sonora, Nuevo León, Yucatán and Coahuila stand out.

Trina Solar invested $100 million to build the largest 1 GW photovoltaic solar cell, whose facilities are located in the Yun-Zhong Industrial Zone, Beijiang Province in Vietnam. "We are both: an industrial solar energy distributor and a photovoltaic technology propagator. In Vietnam we generate more than 1,000 jobs and promote the application of clean energy in the region. We always adhere to the concept of innovative development and extension of our business to the improvement of energy in each country," said Yin Rongfang.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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