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Miguel Alves Agostinho, new addition to FMHOUSE

International. Agostinho, who joins as Regional Director, has extensive experience in the Facility Management sector at an international level.

FMHOUSE has appointed Miguel Alves Agostinho as the new Regional Director based in Lisbon. From his position, he will be responsible for coordinating all activities in the Portuguese-speaking area, both in Latin America and Africa, in addition to strengthening the company's presence in Portugal.

Agostinho has extensive experience in the Facility Management sector at an international level, is a member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Facility Management (APFM), Ambassador for Portugal of the European Facility Management Network (EuroFM) and Coordinator of the CEN/TC348 standardization working group.

"I work in Facility Management because, honestly, I think that from this field we can improve the lives of millions of workers around the world, as well as reduce our environmental impact on the planet. By joining FMHOUSE, I know I have access  to FM research and extensive information that will allow me to be part of that change," says Agostinho.

- Publicidad -

Graduated in Engineering and with a Postgraduate Degree in Commercial Management, throughout his professional career Miguel has worked as Senior Consultant, Project Director, and Senior Sales & Marketing Manager, where he has stood out for his ability to direct, manage and precision, which has led him to always achieve his goals.

Miguel's relationship with FMHOUSE dates back to previous collaborations in various projects and participations, where he has demonstrated his great capacity and knowledge of the sector. According to David Martínez, CEO of FMHOUSE, "The incorporation of Miguel is due to the logical evolution of the company's expansion and comes to cover a growing demand for strategic consulting, as well as quality training in the Portuguese-speaking markets".

The international consultancy FMHOUSE is an independent company, expert in strategic consulting, training and research in Facility Management. With prestige and recognition both nationally and internationally, the organization bets and invests to make the discipline of FM and its professionals occupy the place they deserve in the market and in organizations.

FMHOUSE is specialized in Workplace strategies and FM processes. He has permanent activity in Europe and Latin America, and has made collaborations in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Among its clients are the main public and private companies in the countries where it operates. It is formed by a large multidisciplinary team with the maximum preparation in FM that provides the highest quality and commitment in all its activity. Its continuous participation in research and dissemination activities guarantees maximum updating and knowledge in the latest trends. Being the only Spanish-speaking participants in the development of FM's international ISO standards gives it a unique differentiation and a guarantee of value and trust.

The main values of the company are quality, professionalism and ethics. The organization is a partner of the global pact, has the EFR certificate, compensates 100% of the footprint produced and participates in collaboration and support activities for the most disadvantaged.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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