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Cartagena will have a hospital with a state-of-the-art sustainable building

Colombia. With the commitment to strengthen health services in the Caribbean, where Colombia will be the protagonist, and position them as benchmarks in medical and hospital care at a global level, the Serena del Mar Hospital Center (CHSM) will soon open its doors offering Colombians and foreigners services with high ethical, scientific and technological standards, based on a comprehensive vision that privileges care and treatment to favor the recovery of patients and accompany their families.

It will be located in the north of Cartagena, in Serena del Mar, urban development that brings opportunities for all people including more than 17 thousand residential units, alternatives for recreation, tourism, education, commerce, and of course health, in an unprecedented natural environment.

On the other hand, CHSM is the first GE hospital in Latin America, that is, it is equipped with the most sophisticated and modern General Electric equipment in different areas and also has the support of recognized brands of technology and hospital supplies. In this sense, the operation of the Hospital Center is highly efficient, safe and accurate to provide the best possible clinical outcomes. Additionally, it has a robotic pharmacy, which will facilitate the dispatch of medicines in a safe and timely manner.

 The CHSM is differentiated by its avant-garde architecture, designed by the renowned architect Moshe Safdie, integrality in care – that is, all the services that the patient needs are in one place -, state-of-the-art technology in all its areas, standardization of processes and protocols of care, warm and humanized service to the patient and his family and incorporation of professionals of the highest scientific and human quality to the work team.

- Publicidad -

 "Initially the CHSM will have 158 inpatient beds and intensive care units for newborns, children and adults, surgery rooms and specialized rooms for specific procedures such as hemodynamics and interventionism. It will also provide medical care in diverse and complex clinical and surgical specialties and subspecialties. This will allow the patient to be treated in a comprehensive manner, with the best technology and with the best human resources," said Olga Lucía Méndez, Manager of the Serena del Mar Hospital Center.

Sustainability, incorporation and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies and practices is one of CHSM's priorities. The hospital is located in an environment where nature, vegetation and the sea provide the propitious scenario for the optimal use of resources and be a sustainable hospital. To that extent, 20% of the energy that the Hospital Center will use will come from solar panels. Likewise, 100% of the medical equipment and equipment have energy and water saving technology. These are some of the strategies that will allow this hospital center to bet on the LEED certification in gold category for sustainable hospitals and the EDGE certification of the World Bank.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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