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Recommendations for the protection of electrical supplies

International. Network protection systems and medium voltage equipment are fundamental tools within industries. Schneider Electric presents a series of recommendations in this regard based on its integration with the Internet of Things (IoT), resulting in advantages in the final tasks of maintenance, operation, security and continuity of service.

One of the main objectives of these solutions is to ensure the continuity of the production processes of industries and services in general. In this regard, Andrés Camilo Uribe Rueda, Marketing Specialist Manager Equipment of Schneider Electric, reported: "Continuity is a pillar of the factories, the brakes in production are critical because they lead to economic losses. There are other types of sectors such as hospitals, airports or mines, where substations are a vital organ, because if there is no continuous supply ceasing to provide their services, lives can be put at risk, so the solutions must be of high reliability. "

Knowing this complex panorama, the SM6 Connected goes beyond the normal use of traditional protection, control and measurement systems, thanks to its connectivity with the EcoStruxure platform and  the Internet of Things (IoT). Medium voltage (MT) is the backbone of multiple applications; basically it is the gateway to allow the development of a large number of industrial processes -for example- in any company, MT systems convert energy to low voltage so that machines can carry out all the procedures of the production chain without losing the continuity of service and efficiently, also saving costs.

Critical data
Uribe revealed that 59% of the total losses as a result of the reported interruptions are caused by fire and explosion in electrical systems. Similarly, the first cause of fire in this type of plant is due to the failure of the equipment, that is, due to bad contacts or poorly made torques, which are issues associated with maintenance.

- Publicidad -

"To prevent this type of problem it is advisable to identify loose connections or contaminated surfaces, which should be done on site through a thermography inspection. When environments are very aggressive, maintenance processes must be more rigorous and have to be scheduled frequently, organizations should adjust their maintenance budgets to this," Uribe added.

Innovation on the edge
The SM6 Connected has the ability to send data that allows you to know your internal 'health', generating early alerts about possible failures to make the necessary adjustments that ultimately decrease the possibility of an electrical failure, explosion or fire. That's where EcoStruxure, the open, interoperable platform that connects smart solutions to monitor and keep energy running, plays an elementary role.

This information is available in real time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing online monitoring tools so that users have the data of their equipment and can take successful actions that lead them to reduce operating costs, maintenance and making them more efficient, in addition to increasing the safety of facilities and personnel.

Part of the evolution of the SM6 Connected is based on components such as: wireless thermal sensors for greater monitoring of hot spots and the internal temperature of the medium voltage cell. It also has an environmental monitoring system – since maintenance is closely linked to the installation site – which helps the user to optimize their maintenance costs so that the cells are always in correct operation in those adverse conditions.

"Another of the key elements presented by the solution is the alternative of a thermal monitoring system that can even be done from a cell phone; the device simply approaches the substation and there appears all the information of the thermal state. Among the advantages of this, is that costs are reduced by changing the process that today is being carried out -generally- with thermal guns that requires more money, "said the expert.

There are different ways to do the monitoring, one is locally and integrating it into a text message that warns in case of a failure; In addition, these local monitoring systems can be integrated in layers, with BMS (Building Management System) or in cloud applications.

To conclude, Uribe said: "It is important to think forward. The energy business has been changing as it faces major challenges such as increased demand and a larger push towards decarbonisation. The current trend shows us that this situation will continue and it is time to consider whether your industry or business has the right technology to meet the goals of the future. Solutions like SM6 Connected certainly provide the right help to stay ahead of the curve."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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