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Total success in TecnoEdificios 2019!

United States. Professionals from Latin America and the Caribbean, along with local business owners, gathered at the Miami Airport Convention Center (MACC) to share technology solutions, security advancements, as well as to create and expand business opportunities in air conditioning and refrigeration, facilities management, and cybersecurity and electronics industries.

Topics on how to make cities safe, drones now becoming a fundamental safety tool, case studies of solutions that manufacturers have incorporated into the design of refrigeration equipment and systems as a result of the implications of climate change, and the use of Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) to benefit parking management and operations were just some of the developments covered during the event.

During the two-day conference, attendees also had the opportunity to walk through the 40,000-square-foot (4,500-square-meter) showroom where 150 exhibitors representing the industry's leading brands presented their products and services and the latest in refrigeration, automation, energy efficiency and safety.

"We are thrilled that our first time at this mega conference in Miami has been so successful. More than 1,500 people attended from fifteen countries," said Max Jaramillo, CEO of Latin Press and organizer of the events.

- Publicidad -

A highlight of the event was the participation of Stephen Gill, founder of World Refrigeration Day, based in the United Kingdom. Gill provided information on his ten-year journey to reach a consensus for a date and recognition for the industry by trade associations and professional bodies around the world, as well as the backing of the United Nations. The global celebration will be held each year on June 26 and the entire industry globally is encouraged to participate and recognize the important contribution the industry makes to society in business, health, agriculture and the global economy.

"What an amazing response from an inaugural event. I had modest expectations for the former based on other similar initiatives. What a perfect ending to my World Refrigeration Day, making wonderful new friends at the RefriAmericas Conference," said Gill.

Attendees also witnessed how their peers were recognized during an awards ceremony that honored the best professionals. In the refrigeration category, the Lifetime Achievement Award, for designing projects for more than 45 years, was awarded to Ernesto Sanguinetti Remusgo, manager of the engineering division of Cold Import S.A. of Lima, Peru.

In an effort to showcase the work of facilities management professionals, Mario Alberto Marín received the 2019 Facility Manager of the Year Award. Marín has worked successfully for over fifteen years in property management, leading his company, Administración AM, to be the market management leader in Antioquia, Colombia.

Attendees were also able to witness the ALAS Awards for Security in Latin America. In the public sector, the prizes were awarded to: Mi teleférico by SCATI, TDB, Telefericos Doppelmayr de La Paz, Bolivia; Chihuahua shield platform of Commissioner Gilberto Loya Chávez, director of public security management of the municipality of Chihuahua, Mexico; and Anillo Digital de Seguridad by Danaide S.A. de La Plata, Argentina. In the private sector, Thermal Camera Monitoring Center for Totem in Guayaquil, Ecuador; Transforming security into an electric power distributor by Alarmas y Sistemas de Seguridad S.A. of Guatemala, Guatemala; and La seguridad trasbambalinas de Seguridad Computare de la Ciudad de México, Mexico which was also recognized.

The group also enjoyed a space full of unforgettable moments shared among colleagues; Alegría, La Fiesta Latina, was held at Ball and Chain in Little Havana on 8th Street. More than 400 people danced to the Latin rhythm, drank mojitos and other popular local cocktails, and savored Cuban-inspired appetizers and paella.

For more information, write to [email protected].

Ana María Mejía Angel
Author: Ana María Mejía Angel
Comunicadora social periodista con 10 años de experiencia en medios impresos y digitales para América Latina en inglés y español. Actualmente Editora de Informes Especiales, incluyendo el TOP 1OO de Integradores Latinoamericanos Industria AV.

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