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Safety recommendations for commercial establishments

Latin America. Retailers know the importance of implementing loss prevention strategies, because each year they represent one of the most significant expenses for businesses, for which it is essential to formulate strategies designed in the needs of your business to guarantee its profitability.

One of the proposals that are becoming a trend is the implementation of an intelligent security system such as network video solutions, which will help you not only prevent losses, but optimize your store.
"Network video solutions with video analytics are very important within the business to protect your store assets, as they guarantee a safer environment for your staff and your customers. It will combat theft and also obtain an effective means to deter risk situations," explained Mauricio Swain, Manager of New Business Development at Axis Communications for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

In order to help prevent retail losses, Axis experts advise you to place the cameras in specific areas within your store:

Aisles and sales areas
It is important to locate devices in these areas, in such a way that suspicious behavior is identified long before any product leaves your facility. By placing video solutions in aisles you will be able to prevent product loss with actions based on monitoring and recording your high-value product areas.

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Cameras must provide excellent image quality regardless of the lighting conditions, size and characteristics of the monitored areas. In addition to minimizing bandwidth usage and storage needs to help you save energy. The corridor format in the cameras, allows to see vertically, taking advantage of a deep vision along the corridors, reducing the amount of unnecessary information on the sides of these and even managing to reduce the number of cameras while maintaining a wide coverage.

Inputs and outputs
Access control is essential to detect those who enter and leave. In addition, in conjunction with specialized software you will be able to perform live or recorded video analysis. Examples of such applications are virtual line detection, people counting, or label recognition of packages or merchandise.

Personnel areas and cashier areas
To maintain the safety of the store and employees, surveillance systems in these areas are ideal for anticipating risky situations. For example, if an intruder wanted to access the cash in the box, the solutions could issue an alert via network audio. Likewise, the devices can identify gunshots or verbal aggression. This is especially important because in a vulnerable situation, it may not be possible for the store employee to notify the authorities and automatic detection significantly reduces the response time in case of risk.

It is important to keep merchandise storage areas monitored, so that they can be identified if they are damaged. With video solutions located in these areas it is possible to have certainty that the products are delivered to the facilities and have access to stored videos to verify their control. In addition, you will be able to track what is placed in the warehouse accurately and its passage through the store. This technology allows you to have documented and high-quality images.

Parking lots and perimeters
Surveillance in parking lots can identify those loitering, therefore it is important to anticipate risks and alert the store owner to possible criminal acts. Visual and thermal cameras with built-in analytics alert security personnel and deter marauders, automatically triggering pre-recorded warnings.

"Video surveillance is the most used trend for loss prevention, so it is important to make sure that the solution is as effective as possible and adapted to the needs of the store, mainly in high-risk areas such as points of sale and exits," concluded Mauricio Swain, Manager of New Business Development at Axis. So, once these basics are covered, the implementation of video analytics technology can provide an invaluable tool to reduce losses.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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