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Recommendations to ensure employee safety with network video surveillance

International. Employee safety is a key element in the development of operations in any economic sector, which is why companies dedicate their efforts to certify the reduction of occupational risks.

A reality that industries face is the need to adopt measures that guarantee the safety of personnel, so today, one of the trends is leaning towards network surveillance, which performs a double function as a mechanism for monitoring compliance with policies, evaluating risks live and improving security practices that are indispensable for the work team.

"All critical infrastructures have the duty to protect the safety of their workers, therefore, network video solutions are an important tool to verify that the necessary protocols are carried out correctly and efficiently," said Manuel Zamudio, Industry Associations Manager, at Axis Communications, for the region of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

Proper employee protection requires strict compliance with established rules, regulations and guidelines, so safety managers or industry managers must ensure that workers use the right tools and equipment, that they know very well the potential risks and the protocols to mitigate them. In addition, it is necessary that they know who are the people authorized to access certain areas, without neglecting the importance of complying with civil protection programs and knowing and practicing the protocols in case of emergency.

- Publicidad -

This is the starting point to ensure that employees can function in a reliable environment, free of danger and possible risks to their health, for this reason video platforms expand the possibilities of generating safer industries for all. Given this, Axis experts point out that among the main benefits are:
- Visually monitor policy compliance and assess risks live.
- Verify access in restricted areas with integrated network access control with a useful record of the entrances and exits of people and vehicles.
- Keep track of the number of people in each area.
- Visually assess emergency situations.
- Track and support rescue teams.
- Verify the correct and timely use of protective and safety equipment, appropriate behaviors in the work environment and monitor procedures and processes.

Video surveillance provides high-tech support for all of these purposes, for example, they can be used to monitor workers' activities live from a control room, as well as having set boundary detection analysis features that warn workers when they get too close to a hazardous area or warn them not to enter a restricted area.

Equipment that incorporates functions of alarms for injuries and detection of safety helmets. helps organizations better control and enforce protection regulations. These same applications are also used to collect useful data on compliance with safety regulations, where it is possible to use network audio components to communicate with people who do not carry out the established rules.

Finally, networked surveillance solutions can deliver amazing results in emergency situations. Integrated access control and cameras allow operators to track the number of workers present in each area of a facility at any given time. The equipment is used to help assess the type, scope and severity of an emergency, also serves to carry out an efficient evacuation of the facilities by detecting smoke, the evolution of an incident, monitoring the flow of the eviction and offering support to rescue teams and offer important information for possible investigations, as well as for the training of new personnel.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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