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Main causes of fires in industries

International. Fires occur in almost any area: in companies, at home, industrial, or natural, because of this situation companies have preventive measures in terms of fire control.

Adrián Monsiváis, Territory Manager Mexico of SafeStart, a company specialized in occupational safety training, indicated that among the main causes of fires in the industry are the following:

Electrical fires
· Cables in poor condition that generate short circuit.
· For having an overheating in cables that are overused, or having many connections connected in a single plug or without some power regulator.
· No proper maintenance is given to the machines or electricity system.

· When the machines are not properly maintained, wear and tear can occur due to not giving it the lubrication that has to be given, and this can cause the machines to generate friction and friction that cause fires.

- Publicidad -

Mechanical sparks
· Sparks are generated by metals being heated by friction, when two objects are hit with ferrous material, or by an oversight or lack of importance for the care of each machinery.

Cigarettes and matches
These types of causes of fires are among the most common due to the lack of importance or not taking the care that must be given.
· Inside the plant it is not correct to smoke since, some friction with products can generate sparks.
· Pointing out and having rules that prohibit non-smoking is important for all staff to be aware of that.

Flammable liquids
· Most of these liquids run the risk of causing a fire by storing them in the wrong places, such as in containers that are not well covered, or by the lack of importance.
· The type of temperature also depends a lot on these flammables, this can generate some type of steam that, in turn, can generate some explosion if you get to have an ignition.
· The combination of these liquids with another type of element can cause a fire problem if you do not know how to properly use them.

Lack of order and cleanliness
· When you do not have the correct cleaning in all work areas, industrial waste can accumulate, and garbage that generates gases or pollutants that can cause a fire.
· Cleaning garments with residues of oils, or greases can cause accidents so it should be cleaned or thrown away to avoid the accumulation of dirt.
· Prevent and see that industrial waste, weeds, etc., do not accumulate in the work area.

· The lack of cleanliness in special areas, where it can generate pollution or a disorder.

Open flames
· Some of the machines used in the industry, give off color, such as portable burners, which by not having the proper maintenance or handling it incorrectly, can generate an unfortunate accident.

Cutting and welding
· Most of these types of fire causes are caused by the minimum spark particles that are generated after welding processes, and not by the electric arcs that pass in the welding execution. As these particles are not detected in time due to their size, the fire starts hours after the activity.

- Publicidad -

Hot surfaces
· When a machine does not have a necessary maintenance or care it can cause it to generate very high temperatures, and that the tubes, boilers are at a very high temperature and produces explosions and fires.

Adrián Monsiváis, Territory Manager Mexico SafeStart, stressed that we must evaluate the percentage in which the "Human Factor" or "Non-Deliberate Risky Behaviors" are determinants in these incidents.

He said why could an employee or operator with sufficient experience to carry out their activities be involved in an incident related to a fire unintentionally?

Beyond reinforcing technical/practical training, robust internal communication campaigns, we must consider some "Human Factors" or "Non-Deliberate Risky Behaviors" such as:

- The Rush,
- Frustration
- Fatigue
- Complacency or Overconfidence.

These 4 States contribute 85-95% of incidents inside and outside operations.

- Publicidad -

Finally, he said that fires occur in almost any area: in companies, at home, industrial, or natural. For this reason, companies have preventive measures in terms of fire control.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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