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Cleaning and disinfection protocols hilton will implement globally

International. Hilton announced the launch of a new program to deliver its Hilton properties around the world a new standard of cleaning and disinfection. Hilton will collaborate with RB, maker of Lysol and Dettol, and will consult with Mayo Clinic to develop elevated processes and team member training to help Hilton guests enjoy an even cleaner and safer stay from check-in to check-out.

The program, which will be called "Hilton CleanStay with Lysol Protection" in North America, will be a rigorous system that will incorporate RB's trusted scientific knowledge and approach to cleaning practices and product offerings. Experts from Mayo Clinic's Infection Prevention and Control team will advise and help advance Hilton's cleaning and disinfection protocols.

Hilton CleanStay's goal is to provide guests with security and peace of mind when staying at any of Hilton's more than 6,100 properties representing 18 brands. The initiative will convey a total focus on cleanliness that will be visible to guests throughout their stay – in their rooms, restaurants, fitness rooms and other public spaces.

Hilton CleanStay was developed to address the changing needs of consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research studies indicate that consumers are more concerned about hygiene during their travels, and trust in cleanliness standards will be critical to resuming travel in the future.

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"Our top priority has always been the safety of our guests and team members," said Christopher J. Nassetta, President and CEO of Hilton. "Hilton CleanStay adds to the best practices and protocols we have developed over the past few months, allowing our guests to rest easy with us and just focus on enjoying the unforgettable experiences we have to offer, while protecting our team members who are on the front lines to deliver the best hospitality."

The Mayo Clinic, the top-ranked hospital system in the United States, will apply its experience and expertise to advise Hilton hotels on cleaning protocols, training programs and quality assurance.

"Personal safety is extremely critical as we reopen businesses and recreational activities around the world," said Stacey Rizza, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at Mayo Clinic.

While full details of the program are still in the development phase, and are expected to be announced in June, the brand standards under consideration are:

– Hilton CleanStay Room Seal: Adds an extra security measure by placing a seal on the room door to indicate to guests that no one has had access to their room after they have gone through the rigorous cleaning process.

– Deep cleaning of 10 high-touch areas: Additional disinfection for the most frequently touched areas of the rooms: light switches, door handles, TV remotes, thermostats and more.

– Remove Paper Amenities: Remove pen, paper notebooks and guest directory; implement digital options or maintain available amenities at the guest's request.

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– Focus on Fitness Centers: Improved cleaning guidelines in Hotel Gyms, see the possibility of closing the space to do cleaning several times a day and limiting the number of guests allowed at the same time.

– Clean and Clean Again: Increase the frequency of cleaning in public areas.

– Towels and disinfectant liquids: Place disinfection stations at main entrances and key high-traffic areas, for example, in the elevator guests will be invited to clean the button before pressing it.

Contactless Check-In: Hilton will strengthen its award-winning Digital Key technology for guests who wish to have a contactless arrival experience with team members. Guests can check in, choose their room, access their room with a digital key, and check out using their mobile devices through the Hilton Honors mobile app. Hilton will continue to expand its digital key capabilities to common doors and access points across all hotels.

Innovative disinfection technologies: Hilton is exploring the incorporation of new technologies such as electrostatic sprayers, which use an electrostatically charged disinfectant mist, and ultraviolet light to disinfect surfaces and objects.

In addition to the new cleaning and disinfection processes, hotel team members will receive personal protective equipment and enhanced training designed to protect their well-being while continuing to provide Hilton's unparalleled hospitality.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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