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69% of companies want to reduce their operational inefficiency

Gestión empresasInternational. Given the constant technological changes we face, companies face challenges for the management of information and communication in an efficient way. Your professional team must be qualified and multidisciplinary to take on these changes, in addition to having comprehensive high-scope tools. Companies must rely on artificial intelligence, the internet of things and big and smart data to guide their business models towards success.

However, according to figures from the Digital Economy Observatory, in Colombia only 11.7% of companies have a digital strategy. In the survey conducted, 72% of respondents say they want to replace legacy technologies and 69% want to reduce their operational inefficiency.

And, an important factor that determines the growth and sustainability of companies is in their operation, which translates into the customer experience. Although access to social networks or business applications is currently facilitated, some users prefer telephone contact when they have a problem. However, if organizations do not have the tools to effectively carry out this process, they run the risk of losing loyalty. Likewise, the performance of its employees is affected and it is difficult to obtain growth results.

According to Fabio Szuldiner, Sales Director of net2phone for Colombia, one of the IP telephony solutions companies in the world: "The reinvention of business is necessary to stay competitive. Technological initiatives not only represent an increase in the income of companies, due to the optimization of resources, but also offer better quality and efficiency in processes. Therefore, customer satisfaction is increased, which by adopting the right solutions can improve even by 45%."

- Publicidad -

With the 1978 law of modernization of the sector and its connectivity coverage in all regions of the country, it is possible for companies to reach new audiences and sectors to turn them into potential customers of their organization and make millionaire investments in the long term.

Recommendations of the expert
Changes in the market have driven the need for digital transformation and digitalization of organizations. Szuldiner, delivers three key recommendations to start this process in the cloud era:

1. Responsiveness: The competitive advantage lies in the immediate reaction. By this we mean the speed or time it takes for the company to generate the relevant information for its customers. While SMBs have some difficulty implementing data centers, servers, and sometimes even trained personnel to manage, there are strategic partners that can strengthen these areas. It is necessary to take this step, since the investment in technology is tangible and poses a probability of increase in revenues of 16% above those who do not yet implement new tools.

2. Updating and storing data: Provides companies with faster access to software and information. To make this migration it is essential to have a good Internet provider that guarantees that all processes are carried out satisfactorily. The platforms and business systems that operate from the cloud, either through remote desktops or the use of an IP Telephony that allows the reception of calls from and in any location, accelerates the process of growth and loyalty of users.

3. Mobile platforms: The use of these tools facilitates communication between the entire team, as well as allows access to information and its operation. These platforms do not limit the productivity of the operation since they allow activities to be developed in any place and time, providing security and immediate response time.

Other technologies such as Machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence and augmented reality, provide knowledge to make assertive decisions in the development of new products and the strategic planning of organizations, so it is important to start with the implementation of the key factors so that growth itself drives the implementation of more advanced technology.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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