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Recommendations to benefit indoor air quality

Calidad de aire interior - TraneLatin America. People want to trust the air they breathe, both outside and inside. As people return to the places where they work, learn, play and shop, the role of air conditioning and ventilation systems in contributing to healthier indoor environments puts them in the spotlight today more than ever. At the same time, building owners are trying to determine how to reopen in a cost-effective and sustainable way.

The Science Behind Indoor Air Quality
As for the air quality, your mother was right, the fresh air is unbeatable. But considering that people spend a lot of time inside, the question that should be asked is how can we improve the indoor air we breathe?

There is a science for air conditioning and air quality; and it has a holistic approach to determining which are the most optimal solutions.

It is important to realize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Buildings need to be viewed and evaluated broadly, as a series of systems and structural factors that work together to create the best environment for a given space. These structures have different dynamic variables, such as age, occupation, use, location, and other unique traits. Because no two are exactly alike, air quality solutions cannot be the same for everyone either.

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On the other hand, the foundations for clean indoor air quality are clear: Fresh air is your friend; ventilation is key; filtration plays an important role.

While it may seem complex, there are four key elements to healthier indoor air quality that, when considered together, create an optimal indoor environment.

• Dilute (increase ventilation with outside air),
• Extract (make sure the air extraction continues to work),
• Contain (control humidity)
• Clean (safely use air cleaning technology as appropriate, using different filtration options)

Before opening offices, schools, restaurants, and gyms, building operators should consider conducting an indoor air assessment by an expert. As a tool, assessments offer both short- and long-term benefits, helping to instill confidence in occupants and facility managers, while paving the way to efficient building operation in the coming years.

Taking a holistic approach to optimizing school indoor air quality can bring comfort to teachers, staff, and parents, and build confidence for reopening. Collaborate with an expert who implements a comprehensive program to improve indoor air quality that ensures we follow all appropriate steps to achieve it on time and within budget.

There is evidence from ASHRAE® (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers), and other sources, that HVAC technologies can mitigate the risk of exposure to infectious aerosols within buildings; however, the transmission and mitigation of COVID-19 in buildings has not yet been tested and confirmed.

Specialized air filtration solutions, such as HEPA and other MERV-rated filters, can be effective in reducing the spread of pathogens when applied correctly, especially in healthcare and hospital settings where very high levels of indoor air quality and infection control are needed. While high-efficiency filters are a part of a wider range of solutions, there is no single remedy or approach that works for every situation.

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Trane article.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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