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The contribution of video surveillance to health measures

videovigilancia, seguridad, bioseguridadLatin America. How can video surveillance help compliance with health measures? After going through the confinement stage to stop the exponential growth of the pandemic, the return to our daily lives will be different, but by implementing the appropriate video surveillance technology it will be easier to resume social dynamics safely.

In this sense, a technology that especially attracts attention is the analysis or "detector" of cough, which can be integrated through software adapted to a network audio system that makes an early warning to avoid possible infections.

The specialists in video surveillance of Axis, we point out that the new normal will bring with it a series of changes in our daily lives and intelligent technological solutions are a great ally to adapt quickly and efficiently to these new challenges that will be presented to us in the short, medium and long term. The areas that will undergo a relevant transformation in the face of this new scenario will be coexistence, socialization, health care, work, mobility and consumption habits.

This suggests that practically in all the places that we usually carry out our social, cultural or work activities, we will experience changes in the way we develop and for this new stage it is important to consider that we must prepare ourselves to resume our social and productive activities, adopting technologies that help us minimize the possibility of contagion. It is clear that as long as a cure is not found, or until immunity is obtained, we will have to adapt to live and work keeping distances and minimizing any possibility of contagion. One way is to implement cough analysis that sends an alert so that, for example, a mask is provided to the person who coughed or some other safety measure is taken with specialized personnel.

- Publicidad -

That is why it becomes so relevant to implement technological solutions that not only help us reinforce behaviors, but also allow us to detect and alert us in a timely manner about a relevant indicator. We are clear about the importance and urgency of resuming our daily activities in order to be productive again and reactivate the economy, as well as our coexistence and social activities, but it is more than manifest that we must do it in a responsible and orderly manner, complying with the recommendations of social distancing and hygiene measures such as hand washing and the use of masks in public places.

At this point it should be emphasized that hand washing is a mandatory measure included in the health protocols so that companies can resume work since it is the most economical and effective to prevent the transmission of diseases. It is worth noting that the adoption of technology to reinforce such measures in public places such as companies, businesses, offices, schools, hospitals and shopping centers will be a trend and represents a business opportunity for those visionaries who are interested in approaching a distributor of implements and integrated systems, professional and specialized.

Complementary systems and technologies: intelligent solutions.
As we pointed out, one of the most accurate ways to safely reactivate a crowded space is the adoption of technology and in this sense it is advisable to resort to "cross solutions" or complementary. For example, a video surveillance system, complemented by network audio applications, which in turn have the "analytics" or software that emits an alert when it detects that a person has a cough. In addition, these technologies are also capable of detecting by means of facial recognition software, when a person does not count or the mask is removed and through the audio system it is possible to make an audible warning in the specific area in which said person is to invite him to put it on.

As we can see, the application of complementary technologies represents an intelligent solution to reactivate our activities and it is possible to adopt them independently, in several stages and according to our specific requirements.

* By: Rodrigo Sánchez, Sales Engineer for Chile, Bolivia and Peru at Axis Communications.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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