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Evolving technologies

entrevista MobotixThe use of solutions with open architecture and the use of green equipment are the main current trends in terms of technologies for buildings, says Francisco Peral, business development manager for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of the German company Mobotix, in an interview with Building Management.

By Alejandra García Vélez

Technology can be a tool that facilitates the development of daily activities within a building and helps improve efficiency in different aspects of the property, but in the same way, it can become an obstacle if you do not know how to choose or manage properly.

To talk about the different options that exist today in the market, specifically on the subject of video surveillance and systems integration, we have as a guest to this edition of Building Management Francisco Peral, business development manager for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of the German company Mobotix.

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The executive emphasized first of all that, the use of solutions with open architecture is fundamental, as well as the treatment of the data that is generated from the use of the different systems, which are vital to improve performance. Likewise, he highlighted the use of green technology as a priority in the current market.

Trends and tips

Building Management: What factors should a Facility Manager take into account when choosing a videogilgilance system?

Francisco Peral: From my point of view, the most important points that a Facility Manager must take into account in a process of evaluating a video surveillance system, is that the system has an open architecture that allows it to integrate with other elements and systems, either through hardware (dry contacts for example), or software (via IP messages). In addition, that in motion offers sharp images not blurred (blurring) both for live video, as well as for recorded video and events.

GDE: How can a Facility Manager know what are the best options for their type of building?

FP: On the basis that there are manufacturers of building automation systems that offer a complete solution, not necessarily all the elements of it are the best. The Facility Manager must consider the strengths and weaknesses of the solution.

As part of your functions, you will have to consider complementing the weak points by integrating the best solution or solutions from other manufacturers. The end result will be a robust system in which the best technologies will be present. Hence the importance of focusing on open architectures.

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GDE: What are the main trends in video surveillance equipment today?

FP: Greater intelligence in the camera that allows anticipating an event (proactivity); higher image quality; green technology (lower energy consumption); integration with other solutions and / or elements, whether Building Automation Systems, or specific elements such as air conditioning systems, or fire, to name a few.

GDE: What new equipment is available on the market?

FP: In the case of Mobotix we have expanded our product portfolio. We include a Display that we call MxDisplay. From the MxDisplay we configure IP Video Intercoms and Mobotix cameras. It is possible to open and close doors and blinds, turn lights on and off, raise and lower barriers, turn on and off air conditioning, among other functions, using a dry contact accessory.

Real application

There's no better way to approach a technology than to do it with first-hand experiences. In this case, Mobotix shares a recently made installation in which its products were used and the tips mentioned above came into play.

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Type of installation: The project is a mixed-use tower that includes offices, apartments and shopping center. In this project, lighting systems were implemented; air conditioning, ventilation and heating; fire; video surveillance, access control and intrusion.

Scope: The project was carried out by a developer company. It includes two towers, the mall and parking areas.

Equipment: In general terms, the solution is open architecture. As far as the cameras of the video surveillance system are concerned, these are intelligent since everything is processed in the camera; they are IP, high resolution (2,048 x 1,536), 5 megapixels, powered via PoE, and include activity, temperature and noise sensors.

Among other things, this allows for higher image quality, low power consumption (4 to 5 watts), ease of integration with other systems, lower storage capacity and lower bandwidth usage.

More than talking about the equipment that is part of the automated solution and the amount of equipment included in this project, I consider it important to emphasize that the main benefit is the data related to the efficiency and behavior of the buildings. This data is generated by each element of the solution, and helps intelligent decision making.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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