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Real estate project installs videowall for its sales room

christieBrazil. Parque Global, a renowned real estate venture, located in São Paulo, inaugurated a sales stand that includes a mosaic of 34 LCD monitors of the Christie brand to create a unique experience for visitors.

Parque Global is an urban megaproject that will have five residential towers with 672 apartments, a shopping center and an innovation, health and education complex on a plot of 218 thousand square meters. Considered the largest real estate venture in Latin America, Parque Global, located on the banks of the Pinheiros River, will be for São Paulo as the iconic Hudson Yards is for New York.

To show the project to customers, Bueno Netto, the construction company, set up a splendid sales stand of 3,500 square meters near the project and commissioned the company Not So Impossible to create different audiovisual experiences to captivate visitors.

Not so Impossible was responsible for the design, creation and content, and management of suppliers and customers. At the same time, it relied on the company On Projecoes for the development, installation and technical execution of the entire audiovisual part. "The client wanted with this project that visitors would find modernity, technology and a great sensory experience in the showroom," explained Marcos Boromello of On Projecoes.

- Publicidad -

Thus, when visitors arrive at the showroom they enter a room with 34 LCD panels of Christie videowall interconnected in mosaic. The displays tell the story of the enterprise and the different participating companies, as well as the architects, designers and project managers. The screens are arranged in a special art gallery format that envelops and thrills visitors at the entrance of the stand itself.

For this project, 34 videos were specially produced in Full HD format. The video signals are individually distributed and synchronized by three servers and multimedia control software.

The 34 panels chosen correspond to the Christie FHD492-XB model, manufactured and available only in Brazil. It is a 49-inch videowall LCD monitor, full HD resolution, 450 nits of brightness, ultra narrow bezel and vertical and horizontal orientation capacity, at a very competitive price.

"These panels were chosen for the quality and reliability of Christie's products, since it is an installation that works in 24/7 mode," explained Marcos Boromello of On Projecoes. "Also for the good service of Christie and the prompt delivery, since the manufacture of the monitors is carried out in Brazil," he added.

The showroom also includes other environments with different audiovisual experiences, such as a model of 70 square meters where a videomapping is made, as well as projections and an interactive model.

"The truth is that the showroom is completely different from any other sales stand of a real estate venture. The visit to it is an experience, worthy of an art exhibition or an interactive museum, highlighting the splendor of the largest real estate venture in Latin America", concludes Marcos Boromello.

This is a video of the project

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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