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INMSA began operating in Mexico

INMSAMexico. INMSA announced the opening of its new offices in Mexico City. INMSA is an American company of global investments in Real Estate, with offices in Miami, Detroit, Madrid, Buenos Aires and now in Mexico City, specifically in Torre Virreyes.

The initial focus of INMSA Mexico will be UHNWI ultra high net worth individuals and family offices. In the future, it is planned to manage the structuring and management of Real Estate investment funds for fibers and financial institutions.

In Mexico there is a strong interest in investing globally. Inmsa's objective is to provide access to investments in international real estate markets that allow adequate diversification with high yield.

One of the differential aspects of INMSA is that it structures tailor-made direct investment vehicles, according to the risk profile of the families, which are the only controlling companies of 100% of the assets in which they invest, which provides maximum security and transparency to the operation.

- Publicidad -

Luis Mendez Trillo will be the local strategic ally. Luis is a professional in the Real Estate sector, current President of Coldwell Banker Commercial. With this agreement, it incorporates a new world-class service into its local real estate business.

INMSA was founded 20 years ago by Mariano Capellino, the company's current CEO.

INMSA uses a business model that allows not only conservation, but also the increase in assets, obtaining high returns. Through a global vision with local execution, he actively manages investment through Opportunistic and Value Add strategies, specifically in the markets of the United States and in European countries.

Through his research team, he investigates the cycles of global markets to decide where to enter, looking for the best return-risk equation to protect and increase the wealth of his investors.

This defines in which countries to operate, detects in which location and in which types and classes of assets to invest. Once the segments to be invested have been defined, it negotiates the acquisition of distress assets in auctions, banks, through bankruptcy administrators, among others. It then adds value in management during the holding of the asset and defines an exit strategy based on the performance that each asset can generate.

Using this active investment management methodology, the qualified international capacity of its team of professionals and the experience accumulated in the different real estate segments, it has achieved sustained returns for its investors for more than 15 years, which exceeds 10% net annual in dollars, without leverage.

Another characteristic of the INMSA model is its way of receiving fees. It operates in line with the interests of its investors through a success fee that is only activated when it exceeds the minimum projected return,

- Publicidad -

For more than a year, there have been talks between Mariano Capellino and Luis Méndez Trillo to develop the business in Mexico. Given the positive results initially achieved and the expectations generated from this relationship, it has been decided to establish a strategic alliance to enhance the business.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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  1. John
    Tuesday, 18 April 2023 19:11
    Una empresa que se dedica a estafar y burlar a los trabajadores. Pregunten lo que hacen en Argentina, que tienen a los empleados en negro. Les dejo la nota sobre las Estafas de Mariano Capellino.

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