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Recommendations for migrating to the Specialized Services model

Recomendaciones para migrar al modelo de Servicios Especializados

Mexico. Undoubtedly, one of the benefits generated by the extension to the implementation of the subcontracting reform (known as the Outsourcing Law) is the opportunity to have a correct transition from the staffing or subcontracting model of personnel to the subcontracting of specialized services; an aspect that is extremely important for both client companies and specialized service providers to fully comply with the new regulation and thus avoid falling into illegal activities.

However, to have this transition efficiently and effectively it is not enough to have an additional 30 days for its implementation, the really important and valuable thing is to have a specialized service provider that is clear about the new business model, has a great financial strength and with previous experience of said services.

That is why I want to share with you 7 key points that the migration plan that your specialized service provider proposes must contain. Having this migration model will ensure its correct implementation and that its operation really generates tangible benefits to your company.

- Publicidad -

Specialized consulting
Your supplier must have a specialized team, preferably certified in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, through which they must support you to identify the needs of your operation, since this is the basis for having a successful migration to the specialized service model.

Workshop and legal advice
Carry out sessions and workshops with the experts of your operation to define the ideal model that will be used, at the same time you must receive a legal and fiscal diagnosis through which the viability of the project is evaluated for the authorization of the specialized service.

Creating workflows
It is extremely important to establish an operating model that fits the required service and not to obtain a generic migration model to the new model. This custom workflow will ensure that the implementation of the new model is successful.

Project time table
Migrations to the new business model take a certain time and a series of actions defined within the overall strategy of the project, so it is important to define from the beginning the action plans and workflow to perform the migration in a controlled way meeting the expectations of your organization.

Definition and signing of commercial contract
To carry out this action it is essential that your provider has the registration with the REPSE, validating it as a provider of specialized services by the STPS; the scope and definition of the service, as well as the KPIS and deliverables of constant monitoring, must also be established in the contract.

Specialized service structure
Your supplier must integrate a specialized operating structure based on the industry and the specific needs of the service you are requesting, this will ensure immediate actions and responses to any deviation from the project.

Management of Tracking Dashboard
The phrase "what is not measured cannot be improved" is well known, so you must have periodic information on the performance of the contracted services and based on that information request your supplier the adjustment and the pertinent improvements that ensure the quality of your project.
Complying with these seven recommendations will ensure that your specialized project complies with the new reform, avoiding falling into fines and criminal problems, which generates the value sought in your operation and maintains an efficient operation over time.

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* Article by Francisco Martínez Domene, CEO The Adecco Group Mexico.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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