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Five tips for managing remote work teams

Cinco tips para administrar equipos de trabajo remotos

Latin America. Remote or remote work is already a reality. However, managing them and maintaining the commitment of employees located in different locations can be a challenge for companies, since the transition to this model can affect the culture of a team, since anxiety around future projects and collaboration can seem uncertain.

In this regard, Zoom Video Communications notes that it is crucial for those in leadership to support teams through online communication and, in that regard, shares some practices and tools for successfully managing remote work teams:

1. Consolidate the logistics of the work team
First, you need to evaluate which devices your computer needs to work remotely. Many employees only need a portable device (with a webcam) and a good internet connection. It is key to have a reliable internet connection, since many home Wi-Fi systems do not adapt well if there is a high demand on the network, such as additional users also in videoconferencing (or watching Netflix).

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2. Be available and schedule the connection time
When teams transition to remote work, it's easy for projects and initiatives to get lost along the way. It's important to keep the team's sense of unity while ensuring projects stay on track. It is crucial that management reaffirms the team's roadmap and ensures alignment with priorities. And while you can't bring teams together in the usual boardroom, you can always count on video conferencing. To ensure they fit priorities and communication across projects, regular connections can be scheduled through Zoom meetings.

3. Lead by example
Video improves trust, engagement, and productivity. Tone, facial expressions, and body language communicate as much as words. Therefore, we must be sure to lead by example by turning on the camera.

Even on days when we do not feel ready for the office, we must always show the best appearance (the "Retouch my appearance" function can be used). Now more than ever, social connection is critical to team well-being. And we can also have fun with virtual backgrounds. The leader should spearhead the fun and encourage their team to show themselves as they are in these connections, including pets!

4. Keep things clear
Transparency is key when leading a remote team. If any member is confused about strategy, results or priorities, the whole initiative is affected. Trust must be built with the team so that they feel safe while working remotely. You shouldn't lose sight of goals by using a team chat, regular Zoom meetings, and frequent calls for cohesive communication. Leaders can guide team members in an open and clear way, as these platforms foster connectivity regardless of the environment.

5. Include moments of fun
The fact that they are not all in the same office does not mean that they are not all part of the same team. As mentioned in tip two, it's important to include time for fun and engaging activities to reduce the potential loneliness of remote work and create camaraderie. It is advisable to promote some of our favorite activities such as coffee breaks, surveys, stretching and yoga sessions, or virtual meals.

"Don't forget to encourage self-care strategies in contacts with the team, such as exercising, taking breaks outdoors, drinking water and scheduling calls just to hear from other team members," said David Diaz. Head of LATAM de Zoom.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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