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Automate green building in Santo Domingo

Automatizan edificio verde en Santo Domingo

R. Dominican. The New Medical Center for Diabetes, Obesity and Specialties is part of the INTEGRA Health Ecosystem. In April 2021, it was inaugurated and today, it is a benchmark in the health sector, thanks to its revolutionary scheme of personalized patient service and an efficient high-level eco-efficient operation.

The building is made up of three levels and a basement with a total of 16,630 m2, is used as an outpatient health center.  It is equipped with 800 tons of air conditioning, ice water type air conditioning system, more than 300 dimeable and digital lighting zones completely intelligent, backing of more than 750KVA in UPS systems, Osmosis Plant for the Dialysis area, among others.

Transfertec Ingeniería, a company with more than 15 years of experience and certifications in the most important technological platforms, was also invited to take on this great challenge of integrating the different electromechanical facilities in its implementation phase and commissioning of the building, through the Automation of Electromechanical Facilities system or Building Management System (BMS).

For this, it relied on Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Building Operation (EBO) platform, allowing the client to control, monitor and manage all their electromechanical facilities.

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In this new implementation Transfertec Ingeniería faced the following challenges:

- Be part of the solution to take the building to a fully intelligent, automated and interoperable operation under a single BMS platform.

- Integrate various electromechanical systems such as Chillers Plant, Air Chiller Units, Lighting System, Energy Measurement, Water, UPSs, Boilers, Osmosis Plant, among others.

- Achieve savings in energy consumption of the order of 35% only by control strategies.

- Achieve savings in preventive-corrective maintenance of the order of 30%.

- Through the BMS platform, to be able to achieve an eco-sustainable operation that meets the requirements for LEED certification in the future.

Transfertec Ingeniería complying with the established times, achieved the control, monitoring and management under the Ecostruxure Building Operation platform for the new headquarters, of its electromechanical facilities such as:

- Integration of Ice Water Plant and Cooling Units via standard communication protocol, achieving from the operation of each unit to the integrated management of the entire system according to customer policies

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- Integration of both indoor and outdoor lighting systems which is developed by a third-party platform.

- Integration of ventilation systems in both office area, operating room and parking area, monitoring and controlling air quality parameters.

- Measurement of energy in its electrical loads in order to refine the strategies of control and reduction of emissions to the environment.

- Monitoring and management of electric generators and fuel.

- Generate billing receipts for electricity and water of the building, in addition to keeping a history of consumption, complemented by alarms of high and low levels of supply / consumption.

- Integration of third-party equipment such as UPSs, Boilers, Osmois System, Raw and Treated Water.

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- Indoor air quality monitoring and data rooms.

- Creation of Dashboard where the important parameters for the client are concentrated in each subsystem, allowing a management and consultation of information in real time, easy and fast.

Each subsystem interoperates with the others, allowing the development of operating strategies according to the client's need, despite the various technologies implemented in the project. Once again Transfertec Engineering, together with Schneider Electric, celebrates a success story where the contribution of its platforms helps not only the operation and reduction of the client's operating costs, but also the reduction of the impact on the environment.

Some benefits obtained
- Energy savings of the order of 35% by control strategies.

- Completely Eco Friendly building.

- Fully mobile platform with the highest standards of cybersecurity.

- Real-time display of alarms of all systems and subsystems integrated into the BMS locally and remotely.

- Control through the graphical interface, of all subsystems and interaction with them.

- Efficiency of the equipment, in accordance with its energy saving policy.

- The client has connectivity at any time and from anywhere with his building.


Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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