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Data Center Installs Cybersecurity Solutions

Centro de Datos

Colombia. Johnson Controls ' technologies were implemented in the ODATA BG01 data center, located near Bogotá, and considered one of the largest in the region.

Known as BG01, ODATA's data center is located 15 minutes from Bogotá, in the Metropolitan Free Zone, and is the largest in Colombia. This facility occupies an area of 6000 m2, the equivalent of a football field, with three floors and a white area with six rooms in which it has the capacity to house more than 1,000 racks. This data center will serve as a model for the company's future expansion plans in the region.

These features, along with strict management of employee and contractor access demanded a comprehensive BMS building management system that would give the end customer the ability to monitor and manage all building functions (climate controls, lighting, UPS, Substations) from a central location or mobile device. In addition, the building management system had to be able to be easily integrated with the security system, which included access control, video, fire alarm and fire suppression system.

Taking into consideration, first of all, the dimensions of this data center and its particular needs, the first step that the UPSistemas integrator took was the installation of the C•CURE 9000 event management and security system, an enterprise-level dynamic access control system that monitors events, manages personnel, creates reports and provides a central location to view video and manage visitors, either through a personal computer or a mobile application. This system allows ODATA to easily regulate access permissions for both employees and visitors, and to verify and respond to significant incidents.

- Publicidad -

In addition, ODATA selects credentials that give the system an extra level of security, as it uses highly encrypted cards and readers that comply with OSDP (Supervised Open Device Protocol). OSDP is a recognized access control protocol designed to improve interoperability between access control devices.

Communications between the controller and the server are encrypted using the advanced encryption standard AES 256. For the most critical areas of the building, ODATA requires employees and contractors to use multi-factor authentication, a process that combines smart card readers with biometric fingerprint technology from Supreme readers to confirm a person's identity.

To visually monitor the facility, the data center implemented a robust video surveillance system consisting of internal and external surveillance cameras. There are more than a hundred Illustra Flex surveillance cameras in the facility, including the reception area, parking lots, corridors, elevators and server rooms.

Multiple high-performance exacqVision Z-Series network recording systems, in redundant architecture, provide the data center with a scalable, high-capacity video storage solution. The system supports more than 90 days of high-resolution storage on each camera located in critical areas of the data center. The cameras feature switching in case of failures, allowing automatic system recovery when a power or network failure occurs.

Cybersecurity Technology for Data Centers
Building on the latest technological advances, an important benefit of the C•CURE 9000 system is part of Tyco's Cyber Protection Program and complies with the rigorous cybersecurity guidelines established by the company. This starts with the product development phase and continues throughout the entire solution lifecycle. A rapid response team quickly monitors and responds to cybersecurity threats should they happen.

"Tyco has a robust platform that allows the integration of all systems in a natural and sustainable way over time and that supports the future growth of the data center," said Fabio Cortés, Engineering Manager of ODATA, at BG01. "Tyco also has local support, which is essential considering the confidentiality of information."

The development implemented in ODATA BG01 allowed the design of a comprehensive solution that will incorporate additional capabilities to facilitate the future scalability of the system. "Working hand in hand with the client was fundamental to achieve a final result that allows ODATA to protect and monitor activities inside the facilities and anticipate any threat that may arise before it happens," said Luis Enrique Bonilla, Business Development Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean at Johnson Controls.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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