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IFMA's New Global Board of Directors Seeks to Strengthen Facilities Management

Latin America. The International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) announced the new executive committee, elected by members and appointees to its global board of directors for the fiscal year 2022-2023, which will be in office from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

According to the association, the appointment was made with members based in Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Singapore, Spain and the United States, which provide support for global portfolio, project, real estate and facilities management; process improvement and performance management; optimization and consolidation of offices; technology; and corporate workplace strategy and design for organizations around the world. Additionally, it was emphasized that "IFMA's board members reflect the breadth of experience and global reach of the facilities management (FM) industry."

Mr Gilpin, Ifma's President and CEO, said: "Every year, IFMA benefits from the unique expertise and perspectives of its board and chairman. Every volunteer who works on behalf of the association is a valuable part of our growth; but our presidency provides strategy and vision that are essential for our progress. I'm excited to see what new doors Laurie will open for us, building on the achievements of her predecessors and imbuing IFMA with its own perspectives and passions.

"Our community is indebted to Peter's crisis management, foresight and enterprise. I have achieved a lot for IFMA and FM, guiding us through an ever-changing workplace landscape and workplace, focusing our energies on buckling up, rather than buckling up, to adapt to new realities."

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Laurie A. Gilmer, chair of the new board, said: "One of the main post-pandemic achievements for us as an association, industry and society is the importance of connection. Being physically separated from each other awakened a strong desire to develop and maintain our personal and professional relationships. Cross-functional teamwork and multi-sector partnerships have flourished. As a result, more organizations and related professions now fully understand the true value of FM, and we are benefiting from a wide range of working partners, from the ground floor to the C-Suite."

He added: "As president, I look forward to strengthening our network and engaging with our community, fostering connections that are not only vital to our future, but truly embody the IFMA experience."

How was the board formed?

Laurie A. Gilmer, P.E., CFM, FMP, SFP, LEED, AP, is the new board chair. She is accompanied by the first vice president, Dean Stanberry, CFM, LEED, AP, O+M, and the second vice president, Francisco Antonio de Souza Abrantes. Two returning directors and seven new directors complete the global board.

After serving two consecutive terms as President (2020-22), recommended by the IFMA Nominating Committee due to the irregular circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, Peter Ankerstjerne, MBA, COP, IFMA Fellow will continue to be involved with the board as past president.



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Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

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