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IFMA presented volume 2 of its Facility Management expert assessment

International. IFMA recently launched the analysis called "Expert Assessment, Vol. 2: Future Work Environments and Support Functions Towards 2030", which takes an in-depth look at what the Facility Management (FM) industry has learned since the first Expert Assessment study was conducted in 2020, and how changing organizational priorities are shaping the future of the built environment and roles of FM.

By assessing knowledge provided by subject matter experts (SMEs) from around the world, the report aims to build industry resilience and help FM professionals prepare for significant changes in the way organizations operate.

From July to September 2022, IFMA used the real-time Delphi methodology to survey 222 SMEs that are preparing their organizations and clients for new ways of working towards 2030. Five thematic sections summarize SME perspectives on:

* Installations in demand by 2030
* Technology, labor and workforce development
* Workplace management and strategy
* Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
* Facilities management in 2030

IFMA's 2020 report, "The Experts' Assessment: The Post-COVID-19 Workplace", was the result of discussions among 248 SMEs around the world on the long-term impacts of the pandemic on the workplace and how FMs would adapt to a new world of work.

Volume 2 reviews the challenges, projected effects and recommended actions described two years ago, examining choices made and lessons learned, identifying implications for future work environments and support functions.

"The subject matter experts who contributed to this study are industry leaders whose foresight and thoughtful actions have sustained their organizations through unprecedented change," said IFMA President and CEO Don Gilpin. "Understanding the decisions they have made to adapt and prepare their organizations for the future will help any FM gain clarity in shaping their own strategies, as well as a solid foundation from which to gain support in projects and policies that will mean the difference between sinking or swimming."

Volume 2 identifies the most crucial focus areas for resilience, both for FM practitioners and their organizations. It shows that facility managers are faced with several new realities that require new mindsets, business models, and technologies. With remote and hybrid work becoming the norm and organizations still struggling to lure workers back into the office, it's increasingly important for FMs to create more experiential spaces.

"FMs are no strangers to change. We are attentive to the changing conditions of our facilities and the business world. We plan the possible scenarios so that we are ready to pivot for the safety and productivity of our people and the resilience of our organizations. To be fully prepared, we must be fully informed. The Expert Assessment is a shining example of how our industry has remained alert and flexible, supported by IFMA's initiative to identify emerging trends, prepare FM for impacts, and guide us through challenges with critical information and insights," said Laurie A. Gilmer, P.E., CFM, FMP, SFP, LEED AP, chair of IFMA's Global Board of Directors.

The "Expert Assessment, Vol. 2: Future Work Environments and Support Functions Towards 2030" can be read for free on

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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