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September begins with meeting of environmental and energy technologies

Green Expo

Mexico. Recently, the official presentation of the 30th edition of The Green Expo was given, an event that will be held from September 5 to 7 at Centro Citibanamex, in conjunction with the International Environmental Congress of CONIECO, the 7th edition of Aquatech Mexico, the 4th edition of Intersolar Mexico and the 11th edition of Mexico Windpower.

During this official presentation participated José Navarro, General Director of Tarsus; Paul St. Amour, Vice President Latin America of Tarsus; Laura Barrera, Group Show Director of Tarsus; Rocío Rubio, Deputy Content Manager of Tarsus; Hugo Castro, Sustainability and Energy Manager of Coparmex; Sandra Herrera, Environmental Consultant; Jorge Fuentes, Director of the Water Advisory Council, and Eduardo Vázquez, Executive Director of Agua Capital.

The specialists agreed on the importance of transforming current business models with the aim of prioritizing the rational and sustainable use of natural resources beyond economic interests.

According to José Navarro, the sum of various actions such as implementing a system of acquisitions or green purchases; develop water and energy efficiency programs; monitor the treatment, handling and safe disposal of waste and highly polluting materials; In addition to promoting the exchange of experiences, good practices and knowledge, it is essential to make the environment compatible with economic growth.

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"The simultaneous realization of these great events will be a valuable opportunity that will allow us to bring together more than 11,000 attendees from multiple communities such as government authorities, high-level professionals and decision makers from major industries. We are convinced that this convergence will foster a productive exchange of ideas and experiences in a dynamic environment that promotes innovation and sustainable development," said Navarro.

The organizers pointed out that more than 400 exhibiting companies will participate, from various countries such as: Mexico, Germany, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Spain, United States, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Panama, United Kingdom and Thailand, to name a few.

Paul St. Amour referred to the leading role of The Green Expo throughout thirty editions as the meeting point for the community of national and international environmental experts to share knowledge, generate networking and of course, do business with a sustainable vision.

CONIECO's International Environmental Congress also celebrates its 30th anniversary as the highest level technical event in Mexico and Latin America to understand the challenges of the industry, from a triple helix approach, promoting ecological culture in all processes.

In the 7th edition of Aquatech Mexico, the gateway to the water industry, advances and best practices to address the water challenges caused by climate change will be reviewed, uniting global and local experience, highlighting innovation at center stage.

Likewise, it was announced that this year Mexico WindPower joins this important B2B platform, a strategic event that offers the projections of the wind sector so that academia, institutes, associations and entrepreneurs can be updated in the implementation of concrete measures, facing the challenges in complying with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Within the framework of these events, a top-level International Conference Program will be developed with the leading voices that analyze the most pressing challenges at the global level and the current issues of interest to Mexico.

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For more information:

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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