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Homes of the future: trends in home automation

Latin America.In the age of technology, our homes are evolving at an astonishing rate. Home automation, once considered a science fiction fantasy, has become a reality. From smart security systems to voice assistants, trends in home automation are transforming the way we live and interact with our environments.

Currently, home security is one of the main concerns of homeowners, and automation has taken this to a whole new level. Smart security systems can now provide real-time surveillance and instant notifications via mobile devices. High-definition security cameras, smart locks, and motion sensors are just some of the innovations that are increasing homeowners' peace of mind.

According to the report prepared by statista, "Connected devices (Internet of things) worldwide from 2015 to 2027", "the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to take hold in everyday life. This is evidenced by the most recent industry analyses, which predict that the number of connected devices will double globally between 2022 and 2027. This increase in connectivity and data traffic represents a major challenge in terms of infrastructure and accessibility to the Internet, whose solution could be called 5G."

Likewise, it is emphasized that "smart devices are already part of the lives of most people, both outside and inside the home. In fact, the number of existing smart homes is increasing." So much so, that consumer spending on smart homes has not stopped growing in recent years and is estimated to exceed 170,000 million US dollars in 2025.

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Another tangible example of the ubiquity of connected devices is the wearables sector and smart cities. The latter, also known as smart cities, represent 28% of the total global IoT market. In this sense, the United States and Western Europe are the world leaders in investment in smart cities, ahead even of China.

Assistants: control through voice

The advent of voice assistants like Amazon, Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit has changed the way we interact with our homes. These devices allow control of lights, thermostats, entertainment systems and more, simply by voice commands. The convenience and accessibility they offer are invaluable, and their integration with other smart devices is a growing trend.

One of the most exciting trends in home automation is the ability to create personalized routines. You can set your home to adjust lighting, temperature, and music according to your daily routine. For example, you can program the lights to dim gradually at night or the thermostat to adjust automatically when you leave the house. This not only increases comfort, but also saves energy.

On the other hand, environmental awareness is on the rise, and home automation is being used to improve energy efficiency. Smart thermostats learn your preferences and adjust the heating or air conditioning based on your presence and the weather outside. Smart lighting automatically turns off when not needed. These measures not only reduce the carbon footprint, but also save money in the long run.

As more devices connect through automation, security and privacy are major concerns. Companies are taking steps to ensure that personal data is protected and systems are resilient to cyber threats. Users should also take precautions, such as changing default passwords and keeping devices up to date.

According to Ring, a company of intelligent security systems for the home.  The total cost of your security system will depend on several factors:

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Equipment costs: Self-installed systems are usually cheaper than professionally installed systems, but you may be able to finance equipment costs over the course of your contract (if you have one). Some self-installation security systems also offer financing options.

Monitoring fees: Many professionally installed systems require you to pay a monthly fee for professional monitoring services and you may be able to subscribe to a monitoring plan for your self-installed equipment.

Installation fees: You don't have to pay any installation fees when you do it yourself, but some companies give you the option to hire a professional. If you opt for the professional installation route, be prepared to pay an upfront fee to get your equipment up and running.

Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

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