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Maintenance Recommendations for Business Facilities


Latin America. Preventive maintenance is a vital necessity when it comes to guaranteeing the operational efficiency of a company, not only because of the possibility of saving costs, but also to avoid possible risks for all those who make use of the infrastructures. The passage of time and constant use generate the need for changes and actions in order to achieve an optimal work environment.

Failure to properly maintain a maintenance program can have a variety of detrimental consequences for buildings and their occupants. Accelerated wear and tear, increased costs, safety risks, the impact on the corporate image and even the payment of fines and penalties can be some of the consequences of not having maintenance in the facilities.

Grupo EULEN, a service outsourcing company with more than 60 years since its foundation in Spain and more than 23 years of presence in Colombia, makes its recommendations for preventive maintenance actions, contemplating the following points:
Regular Inspection Schedules: Conduct regular inspections to identify and address potential problems before they become emergencies.

Equipment Upgrade: Keeping equipment and systems up-to-date ensures efficient performance and reduces the risk of unexpected failures.

- Publicidad -

Staff training: Having properly trained staff contributes to the early detection of problems and the efficient execution of maintenance tasks.

Use of advanced technology: Incorporate advanced technologies, such as sensors and remote monitoring systems, to optimize maintenance efficiency.

Emergency planning: Have an emergency response plan and conduct regular drills.

Resource planning: Have a solid plan for resource allocation, including equipment, personnel, and budget, for preventative maintenance.

The General Manager of EULEN Colombia, Carlos Quintero, explains that "maintenance has a lot to do with facility management, which is focused on coordinating assets and services, it is essential for all organizations, whether public or private, to avoid failures and minimize unplanned downtime. In that sense, having a preventative approach allows problems that are detected early to be fixed faster, which can extend the overall lifespan of systems and equipment within a building. Its implementation brings great benefits and safeguards the human and material capital of companies."

Preventive maintenance is a fundamental issue for the competitiveness, productivity and long-term sustainability of companies in the national context, as it is crucial to overcome the economic challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the constant evolution of regulations in the sector, which require smart investment and results that help increase investment confidence.
According to the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), the fact that a company has an efficient maintenance management can reduce this expense from its budget by a percentage ranging from 20 to 30%, which has a positive impact on the proper functioning of the company, from the offices to the production plants.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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