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Redefining Laundry Management Efficiency in Latin American Hotels


Innovative technology for linen management in the hospitality industry.

By Fabrice Morini*

The tourism industry in Latin America and the Caribbean is showing signs of recovery. In 2023, according to sectoral information, it is indicated that the measurements recover the levels shown in 2019, prior to the health contingency, after a period in which the occupancy rate fell below 10% of capacity.

In this context, proper hotel laundry management is crucial to its profitability. Reducing costs by minimizing factors such as theft or loss of garments is essential. According to industry estimates, garment losses range from 5% to 10% of the total, resulting in significant economic losses.

In this sense, the current scenario provides a unique opportunity for managers of large hotel chains in the region, as we are currently going through a new era in which laundry management plays a crucial role for operational efficiency, which is reflected in cost reduction and a better guest experience. This article will explore the ways in which this industry can leverage the recovery environment to optimize operations and raise service standards.

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What are the challenges to overcome for proper laundry management in hotels?
Hotels are constantly looking for ways to improve the guest experience and streamline operations. One of these areas is laundry management, which can be a considerable logistical challenge. Bed linen and towels, among other textile assets, must be clean and ready to use at all times, requiring efficient management.

Handling laundry in hotels involves a number of processes, from collecting and cleaning clothes to storing and distributing them. This process can be complicated and costly, especially for large hotel chains that handle huge volumes.
In addition, challenges such as planning and misallocation of the linen assortment must be overcome, which can lead to over- or underestimation of the quantity needed, resulting in potential supply shortages.

Likewise, inefficient management can lead to unnecessary clothing purchases and increased costs. All of these factors can affect service efficiency and result in decreased customer satisfaction, negatively impacting the hotel's reputation and revenue.

An innovative solution for linen management in the hospitality industry
This is where laundry solutions that use advanced technology to track and manage laundry come into play, helping hotels improve their efficiency and reduce costs. By digitizing the system, hotel chains can track each item in real-time, automate inventory replenishment, and minimize losses.

One of these solutions is the ACUITY Linen Management Platform, an end-to-end system with IoT and RFID technology to provide real-time visibility over all textile assets.

This platform integrates into laundry processes, with a complete and easy-to-use dashboard that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Using the dashboard, staff can instantly identify current stock levels, including clean items that are being returned for use, as well as dirty items that need to be sent for cleaning or are already in process.

In addition, this technology has a significant impact on inventory visibility. By combining software, RFID, and cloud services, the platform enables accurate tracking of linens, uniforms, and other garments. This real-time visibility gives organizations a clear view of linen stock.

Additionally, as part of the system and to ensure the tracking of the garments, it is possible to implement LinTRAK® tags, enabled with RFID and designed to withstand more than 200 cycles of industrial laundry.

Among the most modern models of this type of labels are LinTRACK C10S, which offers a better size/reading distance ratio; LinTRAK C15S that facilitates the sewing and repair process and LinTRAK C15SH, the smallest heat-sealable washable UHF RFID tag on the market.

Due to the diversity of linen types, these labels are smaller and more discreet and offer a more imperceptible option that blends into clothing without compromising durability.

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These types of labels have been specially designed to provide adequate reading performance, resistant to harsh laundry environments.

Advantages of RFID Technology in the Laundry Process
Increased inventory visibility: RFID tags and reading stations enable real-time tracking of textiles, providing accurate and up-to-date inventory visibility. This helps optimize stock levels and improve overall inventory management.

RFID technology automates various processes such as receiving, sorting, packing, shipping, and tracking textile assets. This reduces manual work, minimizes errors, increases performance, and optimizes equipment utilization, resulting in greater operational efficiency.

In addition, it helps reduce costs associated with billing or handling errors and lost or misplaced items. It also facilitates accurate accountability, allowing for timely billing based on individual items rather than weight.

In addition, RFID technology can be easily integrated with other business applications, such as accounting systems.

However, this solution can be used as management software with or without RFID. Features go further and include a mobile app for inventory and stock control, monitoring deliveries and pickups, and tracking non-compliant clothing.

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In addition, it offers a secure web portal for the customer that allows you to manage linen orders and exchanges with the laundry, with demand forecasting and automatic order generation based on stock levels.

The platform also provides reports on laundry stock/loss, laundry quality based on age, and wash cycles. Other features, such as theft detection systems and uniform management, further enhance capabilities.

In conclusion, efficient linen management in hotels is essential to maintain high levels of profitability. With tourism recovering in Latin America, (where according to the UNWTO, it currently stands at 85% and is expected to reach pre-pandemic levels by 2024), these types of solutions can play a crucial role in helping hotels overcome the challenges associated with their management. By providing real-time visibility over all textile assets and optimizing inventory movements, ACUITY can help hotels improve their efficiency and profitability, while improving customer satisfaction.

*Fabrice Morini is an experienced Vice President of Sales at HID, who leads the company's textile services unit internationally. With more than twenty years of a successful career, this expert drives technical and direct sales, as well as promoting the development of channel-related businesses. Fabrice's expertise focuses on RFID system integration and inventory management applications, with a strong focus on laundry business processes for the hospitality sector. As an industry visionary, he continues to transform businesses with cutting-edge solutions, revolutionizing the way we approach efficiency and innovation.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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