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At the service of the planet

Latin America says "present". The good news that from design and architecture abound in the region is a sign that in terms of hospitality we are much more than an emerging market. The architectural projects carried out by architects of the stature of Legorreta + Legorreta with the transformation of a water purification factory in 1884 into a boutique hotel with the seal of the Habita Group is the sample of what can be done in the region.

Managing to compensate for shortcomings with creativity is an achievement that not everyone can count on. In a region where land and resources are scarce, what better lesson than to successfully recover what apparently no longer serves due to disuse or abuse. Having the possibility to rebuild from the ruins is a challenge not only for creativity but for the finances of any hotel project. La Purificadora, the new hotel of the Habita Group in Puebla, was able to do so. Thanks to the old structures, made for uses that did not contemplate neither air conditioning nor heating, the architects were able to take advantage of natural light, air and water in a smarter way. The result is an air of nature in an avant-garde hotel.

The news continues when we look at the big hotel chains and how they have turned good practices for the protection of the planet into a management with positive economic results. The case of Marriott Hotels Latin America is part of that reality and although there are many hotel chains that walk the same path, the corporate policy implemented by Marriott hotels is an example worthy of admiration, not only for having been a pioneer many years ago, when there was still no talk of global warming, but by the concrete results in financial statements.

Back at the grassroots seems to be the watchword of the positive news of hospitality in the region. Taking care of natural resources but above all taking advantage of them for the benefit not only of a clean operation but of healthier financial statements, are still easy precepts to find. Latin America shows this.

[email protected]

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