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Safer guests in the room

Despite the fact that biometric technology hardly ventures into  hotel security, traditional  technology continues to occupy the top positions in the hospitality industry.

In hotels the rooms represent the inner circle of security, therefore, locks and safes must be carefully chosen to ensure greater protection to the guest and their objects.

Today with technological advances and where identity theft is increasingly frequent, biometrics is the technology that is imposed worldwide. Although little developed in the hospitality industry in Latin America, it is advancing slowly in that market. However, this new trend that promises greater security has provoked different reactions due to its high costs and fallibility.

"Biometrics is not recommended for use at the hotel level, we must bear in mind that this system is not yet fully developed. Biometrics could work  where the user is not changed, such as at the door of an office or a personal box, but at supremely high costs. Security at the hotel level can only be related to conventional systems of electronic locks of band and proximity.", explained Augusto Santos López, commercial director of Onity, a company dedicated to the manufacture of locks.

Current traditional technology
Electronic locks, contact smart cards and magnetic stripe cards are still the most used in hotels for providing maximum control in access, versatility and price. According to Glenn Peacock, marketing director of Saflok, (provider of access control solutions), contact  cards and smart cards are preferred. However, luxury properties are opting for contactless smart cards for rooms.

- Publicidad -

Alexis Hernandez, export director at LOC International Inc. (a provider of security solutions for the hospitality industry), says contactless smart cards are still new. He assured that there is a 90% demand for classic locks by hotels, because the guest is already familiar with that technology and it is something for which he can easily pay.

To think about the security in the room and the elements that must be installed in it to guarantee the guest's stay, would be to talk about special conditions. That is why Peacock recommends for hotels the use of locks certified by the BHMA, Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association. "This certification reflects the durability of the products and superior construction. We also recommend selecting the locks with the automatic deadbolt," he said. The latter is an automatic locking system where the doorknob automatically triggers the lever when lodged in the door frame as if the door had been locked.

Safes and disabled
The presence of a safe in the rooms is another feature of a hotel with a consistent security plan. According to Alexis, the design and conception of a safe  is no secret to anyone. "As in electronic locks, the difference is in the quality of the components and materials used for their manufacture. These are the aspects that the customer must consider when buying and incredibly it is the one they attend to the least," he said.

For guests with special abilities, the security industry has designed products that make it easy to use for these types of people. LOC International Inc. offers electronic locks that emit a visual and audible signal to confirm card recognition. For its part, the safes are equipped with ADA, American Disability Act approved keyboards, which generate a visual and sound confirmation in the opening and closing operations. Our Supreme line of safes is equipped with an automatic interior light to make it easier for the visually impaired and elderly customers to use," said Alexis Hernandez.

Expect expanded article in issue 3-6 of Hotel Management.

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