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Fair Trade joins Alimentaria Mexico 2008

The next edition of Alimentaria Mexico, which will be held from June 3 to 5 at the Banamex Center in Mexico City, will feature the participation of Fair Trade Mexico, within the Organic Products Pavilion, whose mission is the promotion and marketing of products and services of small Mexican producers environmentally sustainable and for the benefit of their social and economic development, in a relationship of solidarity with consumers. The organic food market is growing in Mexico and in the world.

Year after year, Alimentaria Mexico moves towards new spaces by incorporating support that responds to the needs of visitors, exhibitors and professionals in the sector. On this occasion, the participation of Fair Trade Mexico contributes to raising the promotion of the variety of organic products offered by the country, which have been increasingly increasing, and which once again will be present at this food and beverage event that has positioned itself as the best platform for the promotion of products and brands in the sector.

What in the last edition was presented as an exhibition of organic products, now becomes the Organic Food Pavilion, a space in which producers, entrepreneurs and  marketers, among others, of the growing organic market will have the opportunity to conduct business.

There are several countries that have joined the production of organic food and that is why Alimentaria México, an international Mexican exhibition for food and beverage professionals, offers a particular space where several companies have demonstrated the quality of their products and the benefits they provide.

In an interview, Víctor Pascual, Director of Alimentaria Mexico, commented that currently the global market for organic food exceeds US $ 30 billion, turning out to be the most important European market with annual sales exceeding US $ 12 billion.

- Publicidad -

Paradoxically, in Mexico only 10% of organic production is consumed; while 80% is exported. Regarding the states that are dedicated to this activity, Chiapas occupies the first place with 24% of the production, Oaxaca, Querétaro, Guerrero, Tabasco, Sinaloa, Michoacán and Jalisco also stand out.

One of the aspects that distinguish Alimentaria Mexico 2008 is its content. As part of this, the Mexican Congress of Food Tendecia Gastronomy, the Pavilion and the Innoval Award, the Logistics and Distribution Seminar, Nutrition Seminar, for the first time the final of the Chef of the Year contest, as well as the different activities related to the tasting of beverages and those carried out by the international and state pavilions, also stand out.

This Mexican and international exhibition also has the support and collaboration of business leaders, chambers, and most important associations of the Mexican sector such as the Mexican Association of Restaurants, Fair Trade Mexico, National Chamber of the Food Canning Industry and the National Agricultural Council.

Alimentaria Mexico is the company created  by Fira de Barcelona and Reed Exhibitions Iberia S.A.,  in charge of organizing the Food Fairs of Barcelona, Lisbon, Mexico, Mercosur, the BTA Fair  and Barcelona Degusta. 

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