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Tourist guides: Liverpool, UK

06/18/08 Acrobat (pdf, 61 KB)

The booking website selects the most emblematic activities and hotels in the city

Liverpool is one of the reference destinations for the coming months, among other reasons, for having been designated European Capital of Culture in 2008. For this reason, has made it the protagonist of the latest edition of its monthly urban guide.

The hotel booking website has a team of experts in each of the markets in which it operates, which knows all the details of these cities and has chosen the best offers, the most original hotels and the essential tips, which you will not find in the traditional guides, essential to visit what has recently been chosen as the most musical city in England.

Hard Days Night Hotel (Four stars) - The Beatles themed hotelFrom 130 euros per room per night*

liverpool-image1 For fans of the legendary group, the Hard Days Night Hotel has just opened its doors, in February of this year, in the emblematic neighborhood of The Beatles, erca of the mythical Cavern Club, where the band began to make performances before their leap to fame, a total of 300 bowls, between 1961 and 1963. The Blakes restaurant collects a sample of different artistic works influenced by the cover of the album "Sergeant Pepper" and, in addition, serves typical British dishes. Each of the rooms has a unique decoration, but with a common element between them: they have a work of art, designed especially for the hotel by the acclaimed artist specialized in The Beatles, Shannon. Those who want to treat themselves to a special whim can stay in the John Lennon Suite, decorated with a white piano, in the purest Imagine style, while the Paul McCartney Suite houses, among other elements, an authentic medieval armor.

Jurys Inn Liverpool (three stars) - Hotel in the new Waterfront areaFrom 63 euros per room per night*

liverpoolimage2 The new Jurys Inn was also recently opened in April 2008 in the extension of the Kings Waterfront neighbourhood, where the Liverpool Echo rena is located. The Albert Dock and the Beatles history-themed museum are also a short walk from the hotel. In terms of services, its Innfusion restaurant serves a selection of European-influenced dishes and the II Barista is famous for its homemade tea-time cakes.

Unusual Hotels in Liverpool

The Liner (three stars) - Themed hotel: cruise of the 30sFrom 62 euros per room per night*

liverpoolimage3 The theme of the Liner hotel is about a cruise ship from the 30s, a theme that permeates the decoration of all the rooms, designed as ship cabins. It is located near the Walter Art Gallery, the Tate Liverpool and the Beatles History Museum. The shipping atmosphere, the Seven Seas restaurant serves fantastic fish dishes and the Castaway Bar serves a variety of nautical-themed cocktails.

Marriot Liverpool South (three stars) - A hotel in a former airport terminalFrom 120 euros per room per night*

liverpoolimage4 The Marriot Liverpool is part of the former Liverpool Airport terminal, famous for its television appearances with its terraces crowded with Beatles fans. Offering a panoramic view over Queen's Square in Liverpool's arts and culture district, the hotel is within walking distance of albert Docks and the Tate Gallery. Its Olivier restaurant offers international dishes and the waiters at its Vivacity bar are specialists in cocktails. The hotel also has an indoor pool, a fully equipped gym, sauna and jacuzzi.

Stay two nights and save 10% at the three-star Britannia Adelphi, in the heart of the city and within walking distance of the shops and restaurants. The entire hotel, including the white marble pool, was completely renovated in 2001.

From 117 euros per room per night*

- Publicidad -

Dinner on top of the world Panoramic is a new establishment opened in February this year. It is the tallest British restaurant, located on the 34th floor of Liverpool's West Tower. With 360º views you can see the Welsh Hills and, on a clear day, the Manchester Hilton., (0151 236 5534)

Liverpool's best café Hold a cup of Liverpool's best coffee at the Hope Street Hotel, Liverpool's first boutique hotel, located between the city's two cathedrals and surrounded by theatres and restaurants. You can see it in, (0151 236 5534)

Shopping paradise Cavern Walks and Bold Street are home to some great designer boutiques, but those who want to dress for less will find it all in the High Street stores on bustling Church Street. The Met Quarter is Liverpool's newest shopping hub and is named after big firms such as Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Hugo Boss and Hobbs.

* Prices available as of April 11, 2008, subject to availability. To make your reservations visit or call 902 02 61 13


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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