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Ride the perfect wave this holiday

06/19/2008Acrobat (pdf, 46 KB) tour the most mythical surf destinations for a surfing and original vacation

Summer is here and for many people the star destination is the beach. But the coast isn't just about sunbathing and taking a dip. If you are a fan of surfing, you want to make your first steps in this sport or you are simply looking for something different and enjoy the lively surfing environment, this is your opportunity. The most visited hotel booking website in the world,*, has made a tour of the best surfing beaches in the world with very economical proposals to spend an unforgettable holiday in search of the perfect wave.

When we talk about waves in Spain, we inevitably think of Tarifa, a meeting point for surfers on the coast of Cádiz. proposed by the three-star Hotel Mesón de Sancho. It is a cozy establishment 9 kilometers from Tarifa that offers an impressive landscape: the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mountains of Africa. From the hotel you can make excursions to the neighboring towns of Tarifa (cradle of surfing), Castellar, (located inside a beautiful Medieval Castle), or Jimena (a curious white village typical of southern Spain), Algeciras, Gibraltar, Ceuta or any of the beautiful beaches of the coast. On the nearby beaches windsurfing and surfing are practiced, being one of the best and most recommended for these sports. From 46** euros per room per night.

Another emblematic point on the Spanish coasts for surfing is Zarauz (Guipúzcoa), birthplace of Aritz Aranburu, the only Spanish representative classified in the world surfing championship (WCT) in which only the Top 44 of the world circuit competes. In this town the Rip Curl Pro championship will be held from September 9 to 14 coinciding with the Basque Festival. In this surfing area with so many attractions, the suggestion of is the Barceló Costa Vasca hotel, a four-star modernist complex located on the beach of Ondarreta, 100 meters from the Miramar Palace and 2 kilometers from the center of San Sebastian. From 65** euros per room per night.

Internationally, California is the symbol of surfing par excellence in the purest style of the Beach Boys. Among others, the city of San Clemente brings together surfers from all countries to enjoy its waves. Hotels suggests the two-star Capistrano Seaside Inn, ideally located near the main tourist attractions of the region and in front of stunning sandy beaches where you can practice activities such as volleyball, basketball, fishing, boating, scuba diving... and of course, California's flagship sport: surfing. The cottage-like rooms have their own terrace or balcony with views and the hotel has a Jacuzzi to relax after riding on the waves. From 76** euros per room per night.

- Publicidad -

But if we want to unite surfing with paradisiacal islands of peculiar culture, the result is Hawaii. In fact, according to popular belief the sport of waves was born on these islands and was transmitted to Western man thanks to the arrival of the explorer James Cook. Native Hawaiians have always had a very special bond with the sea and the magic of this relationship is evident throughout the territory. We can highlight the Princeville area on Kauai, bathed by waters of excellent quality for surfing. A great option here is the three-star Hanalei Bay Resort hotel, which offers stunning views of Hanalei Bay and Bali Hai Mountain. Its rooms are decorated in the Hawaiian style, with a multitude of tropical details. From 90** euros per room per night.

** Rates are for one double room per night and do not include fees and taxes. They are subject to availability.

Reservations through the web or phone 902 02 61 13.


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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