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Tourist guides: Munich, Germany

09/19/2008 Acrobat (pdf, 70 KB)

The hotel booking website offers all the keys to live one of the biggest international events and celebrate Munich's 850th birthday

In 2008 Munich celebrates its 850th birthday and the city is hosting a number of events and festivals to celebrate this date. One of the main ones will be the 175th edition of the Oktoberfest festival, which will take place between September 20 and October 5. Oktoberfest is Munich's largest event and one of the largest in the world, with more than six million tourists gathered to sample some of Munich's best beers.** has a dedicated team of experts around the world, who know very thoroughly the cities in which they operate, and are personally responsible for the preparation of these guides, choosing the newest and most original hotels, as well as the best offers and essential points to visit the city.

New Hotels Munich

Angelo Design Hotel (four stars) Bar with bonfire From 109€* per room per night

The Hotel Angelo Design opened its doors in the trendy District of Haidhausen in May this year. For those looking for entertainment for the afternoons and evenings, the hotel is close to Kultfabrik, which boasts of being the largest party area in Europe, with a huge selection of bars, clubs and music halls to suit all tastes. The lobby bar, a paradise for those who love modern design and architecture, with the crackle of a bonfire and a collage of modern black and white photographs, is an essential piece of the hotel. To book, visit or call 902 02 61 13.

Original Hotels Munich

King's Hotel Centre (three stars) Traditional Bavarian hotel From 77€* per room per night

The traditional King's Hotel, in the centre of Munich, is the ideal accommodation for art lovers, both for its location and for its aesthetics and atmosphere. It is located just a few minutes from the three Pinakothek art museums, as well as the attractions of the old part of the city, the National Theatre and the Englischer Garten. The hotel is decorated in the traditional Bavarian style with wooden floors, cladding and gilded details on the ceiling. All rooms have beds with mahogany-carved canopy and works of art from the period. To book, visit or call 902 02 61 13.

First Creatif Hotel Elephant (three stars) Design walls From 95€* per room per night

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The First Creatif Hotel Elephant is a modern, family-run hotel, located in a quiet street despite being in the heart of the city. Its location, next to the central station, is perfect for exploring the capital and enjoying the nearby shops and restaurants. The rooms are decorated in bright primary colors and each has been decorated in a different style with the aim of creating a dramatic design statement. To book, visit or call 902 02 61 13.

Mandarin Oriental Munich (five stars) Michelin-starred restaurant From 283€* per room per night

Mandarin Oriental is located in the historic city centre, a short distance from the exclusive shopping street of Maximilianstrasse. The hotel boasts a Michelin-starred restaurant, Mark's, which is on the list of munich's top 5 gourmet restaurants. It is also famous for its rooftop bar (only open in the summer months), which offers amazing 360º views of the city. The best brands take care of every last detail in this hotel, as shown by their "Bang and Olufsen" televisions and the bathroom amenities of "Aromatherapy Associates", available in all their bathrooms. To book, visit or call 902 02 61 13.

Bargains in Munich

Stay two nights and save 15% on the last night at the four-star Hotel Tryp Muenchen, just around the corner from Theresienwiese, site of the famous Oktoberfest. The Mediterranean style of the Bodega del Sol restaurant serves a range of themed buffets including traditional Bavarian cuisine. From 69€* per room per night with

Key points of Munich

Oktoberfest This famous annual festival began to be held in 1810, on the occasion of the wedding celebrations of Prince Ludwig of the Bavarian Crown. In this edition, the mayor of the city will have the honor of starting the first beer barrel of the Oktoberfest. This moment will give to talk this year, in which the price of a liter of beer has increased by 5% compared to last year, standing between 7.80 and 8.30 euros.

Englischer Garten The Englischer Garten, or English Garden, is one of the largest parks in a city in Europe, as it extends from the center to the northeastern limits of the city, even part of the Isar River flows through it. It was built in the eighteenth century and has a Chinese tower, in addition to the second largest cocktail terrace in Munich and a Japanese tea room that was used to hold some events related to the Munich Olympic Games in 1972. The garden houses as many curiosities as an artificial wave on the Isar River, where visitors even try to surf and even has nudist areas for sunbathing.

Free museums All state museums in Munich are free on Sundays. This includes the Alte Pinakothek, the Neue Pinakothek and the Pinakothek of Modern Art. Only private museums, such as the Lehnbachhaus, charge admission on this day.

* All prices and rebates are valid from September 10, 2008, but are subject to change.

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** The website is the most visited in the 'Hotels/Accommodation Provider' category, according to comScore Media Metrix (January-December 2007).


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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